Example sentences of "out for criticism " in BNC.

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1 But in the devastating Resolution of 1948 , the Sixth was singled out for criticism and removed from the repertoire .
2 But no one newspaper was singled out for criticism over coverage of the tour .
3 Many tendencies in ‘ commercial ’ nineteenth-century music which Adorno singles out for criticism — ‘ mechanical ’ , formulate composition , for instance , or ‘ effects ’ writing such as that of the piano virtuosi , or the interest in sheer sound — can be traced back , as he himself is aware , to the eighteenth century — to dance music , operatic virtuosity , the early symphonies , and so on .
4 The BBC is particularly singled out for criticism for its recent coverage and the exclusion of senior Presbyterian Church figures from televised discussions on the worsening political situation and from a BBC radio debate on Church representation on education boards .
5 The brunt of the assault was directed at the USA , but also singled out for criticism were the European Communities ( EC ) , Australia , Canada , Hong Kong , Indonesia , South Korea , Singapore and Thailand .
6 Those singled out for criticism included Rear Adml.
7 While criticising the " too tenacious traditions of a unitarian state " , he also singled out for criticism individual regional leaders whom he accused of adopting laws at variance with those of the Russian Federation ( RF ) .
8 The USA was singled out for criticism over " its unneighbourly actions against Cuba " and urged to lift its economic embargo .
9 Addressing the Supreme Soviet on Oct. 6 , Yeltsin singled out for criticism the Ministers of Foreign Economic Relations , the Economy and Industry , but gave a general endorsement of the government , saying that " under these conditions , any other government would do an even worse job " .
10 There was some concern expressed at the Director being singled out for criticism , but the Chief Officer considered that the criticism was necessary ‘ since it was the leadership which was stifling academic development and progress ’ .
11 At the Strasbourg meeting of signatories of the Berne wild life convention , Britain was singled out for criticism over the Canford Heath development .
12 Other countries singled out for criticism included Turkey , which fails to prevent the illegal slaughter of huge numbers of dolphins and porpoises in the Black Sea , and Canada , which has allowed the beluga , or white whale , to be hunted to a point near extinction .
13 However , no one newspaper was singled out for criticism .
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