Example sentences of "out to sea " in BNC.

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1 Sara ignored them as the boat chugged out to sea ; soon the harbour and the cliffs were a long way away .
2 Miles out to sea .
3 The Atlantic Ocean splashed against the pier , and he stared out to sea and began quoting Homer .
4 It stands on a small hill , higher than the other villas , with a private approach road and a large balcony looking out to sea .
5 Their modern equivalents , two 120mm mortars , stand nearby , pointing out to sea .
6 Far out to sea lies the gannet colony of Grassholm .
7 17m SW out to sea lies the island of Rum .
8 There were only two other cars at the front and they rolled to a stop alongside the plinth on which the antique cannon stood pointing out to sea like some deep-chested mongrel .
9 Only Røst lay further out to sea .
10 Trotting confidently out of his burrow into a jungly , prehistoric world , he is rescued by bats from slimy , groping creatures , only to fall into cavernous waters and swim out to sea , from where he is plucked by a vulture-like bird whose hungry chicks he has ‘ fun ’ avoiding before tumbling safely home .
11 It could also set a precedent for other governments — like Thailand and Malaysia — which have both pushed boat people back out to sea .
12 He decided to live in Dorset and chose this site ( where an earlier house had been ) , because it looked for all the world as though , when the house was built , it could sail straight out to sea .
13 One Legco member says that , if forced repatriation is not resumed , Hong Kong might have to stop offering boat people first asylum ( it might , that is , push the refugees back out to sea ) .
14 He frowned and looked fixedly out to sea .
15 It can not be otherwise with the approach of death ; whether we go on pilgrimage with Raleigh or put out to sea with Tennyson , the metaphor of travel is one with which the poets have made us familiar .
16 The miles of wet , corrugated sand were alive with dancing light , sparkling , glittering : it almost blinded you to look out to sea .
17 Bodies often float to the surface , but you of all people must know that those who drown in the Thames can disappear altogether and are probably taken by undercurrents down through London and out to sea . ’
18 Flights of birds disturbed by the sound of turning wheels rose from their nests and flew straight out to sea .
19 As she faced out to sea then turned back to face the land through which she had just passed , her eyes were unseeing ; only the past was visible .
20 ELISABETH DANZIGER STOOD AT THE OPEN window and watched the gulls swoop round the house , fly straight out to sea and then drop suddenly for prey .
21 Then I picked up a pebble and flung it out to sea ; it rose straight up into the air and landed on the ground a few yards behind me .
22 An outrigger pumpboat chugged out to sea intent on bigger fry : tanguigue fish , lupalupa and marlin .
23 A 53-YEAR-OLD aircraft engineer rode on the tail of a light plane out to sea off New Zealand and back yesterday after it took off without the pilot knowing he was there .
24 The single-engine Cessna 172 took off from a beach on Stewart Island , on the southern coast , and headed out to sea with Mr Maurice Treweek clinging to the tail .
25 Often this has been done deliberately : factories and sewage works are built to discharge into seas and rivers , and ‘ honey barges ’ ferry cargoes of sewage out to sea .
26 Beyond the edge of the present shore-line , and extending out to sea , are the true edges of the continents .
27 In general , modern fishing is far too efficient for its own good , with ships often removing entire shoals in one sweep , far out to sea .
28 Partly because of the lack of predators , many island birds have lost the ability to fly ; after all , flying requires enormous energy , and on islands , those that do take to the air could in theory be blown out to sea .
29 Furthermore , a body lost in Portsmouth Harbour a year previously would have washed out to sea long ago and , in any case , would be unlikely to have turned up in Chichester Harbour .
30 On this occasion Crabb was carrying out experiments in which the Admiralty had a peripheral interest , but it would not be in the national interest to detail them , and unfortunately he drowned and his body was swept out to sea .
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