Example sentences of "out according to " in BNC.

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1 The water managers will push water in or hold water out according to a computer programmed with decades of data about rainfall and drought .
2 The differentiation within the examination is to be carried out according to strict criteria , laying down in detail what the candidate is expected to know , understand , and be able to do .
3 The eleventh paragraph recommended that the buildings should be laid out according to a plan , and the ‘ very able and magnificent block plan , by M. Crepinet , may furnish valuable hints towards preserving the desired unity ’ , and the twelfth paragraph said that a residence for the Foreign Secretary was not an absolute necessity , and if reception rooms were to be provided they should be available to every minister .
4 They have learned to play their part in the hierarchy , to receive instructions and carry them out according to strict rules and regulations .
5 This is not an equal fight between two evenly matched sides battling it out according to some carefully laid down ground rules of fair play .
6 Suicide is carried out according to a culturally standardized formula : after two weeks of sulking , one finally withdraws into the deep forest away from all human habitation , and hangs oneself from a tree .
7 They are worked out according to the level of national insurance contributions that both you and your employer are required to pay by law .
8 The district seats are then shared out according to each party 's vote , to the top names on its list .
9 In this case the crystals in the chamber settle out according to size and density .
10 Our pulses were quickened soon enough by a seductive menu and a wine list laid out according to grape and price by someone who has sipped well from major world producers and made some rare finds on the way .
11 In other words , the dispute between system and unit is a formal dispute which can be filled out according to what is claimed to be the relevant system and what the relevant unit .
12 The Stone of Destiny was in alien hands , but in other respects the coronation ceremony on 25 March 1306 was carried out according to tradition .
13 The ultimate criterion for the presence of pollution in law , in contrast with other more familiar forms of offence , is a test carried out according to the supposedly ‘ objective ’ precepts of natural scientific ( predominantly chemical ) analysis .
14 Routine river sampling is carried out according to a schedule arranged by the laboratory , standardized as to place and , as far as possible , time .
15 The starting point was the issue of the opportunities offered to socialists by the current form of capitalist property in Britain , and my conclusion is that the socialised deployment of the personal sector financial surplus would permit a greatly accelerated rate of productive investment , yielding dividends in terms of socially useful output and employment , provided that the deployment of funds be carried out according to fairly well-defined criteria of rationality rather than merely in response to ad hoc political pressure .
16 PCR amplification was carried out according to Perkin Elmer Cetus instructions in a final volume of 50 µl with 50 pmoles of 5' and 3' primers , 200 mM dNTPS , 0.5U of Taq polymerase ( Cetus Corp. ) in PCR buffer ( 2.5 mM MgCl 2 , 50 mM KCl , 10 mM Tris-HCl [ pH 8.3 ] , 0.001% gelatin ) .
17 Transfection of plasmid DNA was carried out according to the method of Gorman ( 19 ) .
18 Word processors are obviously going to incorporate many of the features found in page makeup or document assembly programs ; text will simply be passed to a parameter file called , say , REPORT and the document will automatically be set out according to the house style .
19 When the above entry is printed out according to the SIL MANUSCRIPT ( MS ) programme it appears like this : Many people will find it preferable to type the words of their dictionary in alphabetical order so that the computer prints them out in alphabetical order without further programming .
20 We only feel emotionally comfortable when everything can be tidily sorted out according to categories .
21 ‘ I only know that the Meeting Notice was sent out according to a list drawn up by the Prime Minister . ’
22 The sandwich ELISA for urokinase type plasminogen activator was carried out according to Binnema et al .
23 The Pyloriset Latex ( Orion Diagnostica , Finland ) and the Helico-G ( Porton Cambridge , Maidenhead , UK ) tests were carried out according to the manufacturers 's instructions and ad recently described .
24 Both tests were also carried out according to the manufacturers ' instructions .
25 The washing of the northern blots was carried out according to standard methods .
26 , The congress called for the introduction of a solidarity tax on industry and a supplement on the higher levels of income tax to finance the reconstruction of former East Germany , which it said should be carried out according to " ecological principles " .
27 A word processing package should allow the user to create documents which can be viewed on screen , saved on disk , loaded into the microcomputer 's memory , amended on screen and printed out according to the format devised by the user .
28 It 's now been replaced with this memo , saying the first was poorly worded and stressing that MRI scans at the Nuffield will be carried out according to on a purely medcial decisionmedical need .
29 Double stranded plasmid sequencing reactions were carried out according to the Sequenase Version 2.0 kit ( USB ) .
30 er in or out according to where he wants them to flicker , well you see , as it , as the wearing get hot , that plastic expands and become loose and he 's got a , a split , see that steel thing
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