Example sentences of "up of representative " in BNC.

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1 It was also suggested that some sort of ‘ Irish dimension ’ ( to borrow the term of the 1980s ) be institutionalized by the creation of a Council of Ireland made up of representatives of the Westminster and Dublin parliaments and members from the to-be-created Stormont ‘ Assembly ’ .
2 Teachers in these schools are to be the employees of the governing bodies ( made up of representatives from the funding industry and of parents ) who will be ‘ free to negotiate pay and conditions of service ’ .
3 Early release was possible on the recommendation of an Advisory Board , made up of representatives from various agencies , but in 1987 , while 458 were released on expiry of their sentence , none at all appeared to have been granted early release on licence .
4 Although there is some variation from area to area , each committee is made up of representatives of the key agencies who carry sufficient authority to act on their agency 's behalf .
5 The UDCs were made up of representatives of financial institutions , private developers , construction firms and manufacturing industry .
6 The CLEA model envisaged a small central body made up of representatives directly involved in the provision of public sector higher education .
7 The document inevitably evoked much discussion within the Principality , and the WJEC , for example , responded by advocating a solution which it had been cherishing for some time , namely the creation of a small advisory body made up of representatives of three bodies : the Welsh Office ; the Welsh Counties Committee , consisting of local authority representatives ; and the WJEC .
8 An initial working party , made up of representatives of all sections of the industry , was established in conjunction with Industry Matters to address the issues which have led to the perception of the industry as an unattractive career option .
9 On Feb. 3 , 1990 , the government announced the creation of a National Council for Normalization made up of representatives of the government , security forces and guerrillas .
10 During the period of the rescheduling , the group would be prohibited from raising dividend payments by more than 10 Australian cents per ordinary share , and its performance would be monitored by a steering committee made up of representatives of the banks .
11 Referring to the need to develop a common framework for legal cooperation " in the civil , commercial , labour administrative areas , with special attention to extradition " and other elements of " international criminal laws " , the agreement established a technical commission made up of representatives of the four justice ministries .
12 A peace commission to help bring an end to the separatist violence in Casamance , which had intensified since mid-1990 , was established on Jan. 2 ; the commission , made up of representatives from the government and from the separatist Mouvement des forces démocratiques de la Casamance ( MFDC ) , was placed under the mediation of the government of Guinea-Bissau .
13 Mujjaddedi had proposed instead to transfer power to the interim Islamic Jihad Council ( IJC ) , made up of representatives of mujaheddin groups and headed by Mujjaddedi himself .
14 The ceasefire would be monitored by a Military Observer Group ( GOM ) made up of representatives from the Rwandan army and the FPR and officers from Nigeria , Senegal , Zimbabwe and a fourth country to be determined by the OAU chairman .
15 The whole process would be supervised by a Joint Verification Commission , made up of representatives from both sides and from the eight mediating countries .
16 A committee under J. H. Whitley proposed the establishment of joint industrial councils made up of representatives of employers and workers , operating on national , district and works level to resolve peacefully industrial disputes .
17 The Council is made up of representatives from each local District Association .
18 It is made up of representatives from further education colleges , the Flexible Learning Centre , adult education centres , the Education and Library Board , the Outer Belfast Action Team and women 's education organisations .
19 The group , which is made up of representatives from local companies , colleges and the County Durham Training and Enterprise Council was launched at a ceremony last week .
20 They are made up of representatives of the RENFE unions in proportion to the results obtained in the periodic union elections in which the whole workforce is entitled to participate .
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