Example sentences of "can allow the " in BNC.

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1 Even one of the most left-wing members of Czechoslovakia 's Civic Forum , Mr Petr Uhl , who now runs the Czech news agency , says that ‘ only a market can allow the consumer real freedom of choice ’ .
2 Some models have a secondary pump which can allow the collection tank to drain while the machine is still operating thus allowing extended periods of continuous running .
3 Office use can allow the church interior to remain undivided .
4 Recruitment can allow the real needs of the organisation to be examined .
5 Theoretically no other country can allow the listed animal in without an export permit .
6 By taking the mystique out of accounting and finance , we can allow the role of the financial department to add value to the business . ’
7 By taking the mystique out of accounting and finance , we can allow the role of the financial department to add value to the business .
8 The Biolife filter functions well , although as the PFK test Review Update pointed out recently , the tiny suckers which the filter hangs on seem to give up sucking and can allow the filter to drop down and submerge below a critical level .
9 Alternatively , you can allow the dog out into the garden , encouraging it to perform here by the use of the words ‘ clean dog ’ or whatever phrase you decide to choose to demand such activity .
10 Anselm himself never quoted this analogy , but he went so far as to warn the pope that if he gave an adverse judgement in the dispute between Canterbury and York ‘ I would on no account remain in England ; for I neither ought to , nor can allow the primacy of our church to be destroyed while I am alive . ’
11 The following quotation from Norman Conway , a grammar school chemistry teacher interviewed by Brian Jackson and Dennis Marsden ( 1962 ) , shows how the competition for scarce university places ( and ultimately for a better job for the teacher ) , especially in the context of bureaucratic mass-assessment can allow the instrumental pursuit of extrinsic rewards to drive out the expensive ‘ educational side ’ :
12 Defining abuse can allow the relative power of the carer to take precedence over the plight of the older person .
13 You can allow the computer to control the goalie , or ( if the goal is under threat ) , opt to gather in the ball , press fire with the joystick in neutral — anything else will be interpreted as an instruction to your highlighted player .
14 Suppose , then , that you can allow the equivalent of four hours each evening for six days a week .
15 No society which believes in democratic values can allow the ballot box to be overridden by the bomb and the bullet .
16 Whatever the shortcomings of the assumptions made about cause and effect in the relationship between man and the environment ( and man with man ) the model shows how the use of a computer to carry out the vast number of calculations necessary to realize the model can allow the consideration of a very complex situation on lines not previously possible .
17 Negotiations with a difficult character ( e.g. the Pied Piper holding the town 's children in the mountain caverns ) are better conducted with the teacher taking on the problematic role because the teacher can judge just how difficult to make the task , and can allow the children success when they need it .
18 Skin penetration by infective larvae may cause an erythematous reaction which in sheep can allow the entry of Bacteroides nodosus , the causative organism of foot-rot .
19 It can only be a reliance on public ignorance that can allow the Foreign Secretary , Douglas Hurd , and other Tories , to spread lies about the social chapter of the Maastricht treaty .
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