Example sentences of "can show that " in BNC.

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1 Woodworking businesses still have some way to go before they can show that they are controlling the hardwood dust emissions from machinery .
2 As long as you can show that they owed you a legal duty to be careful and have been negligent , damages could come your way .
3 In such circumstances , the new Kinnock approach — as long as he can show that it is not irredeemably inflationary — might appear quite attractive to people who would not otherwise have considered voting Labour .
4 Sometimes , moreover , experience can show that our reasoning is superficial and incorrect , as when we learn from it that , despite what we might think , an arrow fired upwards from a moving ship will not fall behind but back on to it .
5 The presumption of ownership which follows from A's or X 's possession may , for instance , be rebutted by a rival claimant , Y , who can show that he or his predecessor was in possession , and that A or X wrongfully dispossessed him .
6 I was the first to state that reunification was the best option ( and I quote from an Institute minute ) ‘ provided the RIBA can show that Portland Place can be adapted for the successful functioning of all departments . ’
7 Providing you have reached the age of majority and can show that the monthly repayments are within your means , you can apply with confidence .
8 Yes , providing you are over 18 years of age , and can show that the monthly repayments are within your means , then you can apply with confidence .
9 If you are confident that you can show that your contract has been broken , you might wish to pursue not only an unfair dismissal complaint , but also a claim in respect of breach of your contract .
10 Qualified privilege may be claimed if the member of the council making the statement about a person can show that he made it without malice and in pursuit of a public duty .
11 We can show that within an ‘ activity ’ there will be numerous various smaller engagements between teacher and children .
12 Unless the trust beneficiary can show that this is not so , the alienee has acquired an unassailable title .
13 Searle 's position can have cogency only if he can show that a computer which is allowed to look through the window ( and preferably touch things as well ) could not succeed , though in these conditions the Westerner would succeed .
14 If we stop shaving we can demonstrate the fallacy of the equation of woman and hairlessness ; if we stop dieting we can show that woman equals big as well as small .
15 If we can show that screening reduces deaths by 20% , then a national screening programme is worthwhile .
16 Legacies can also be sought more easily if the organisation can show that it has charitable status .
17 This evidence should then be filed so that if it is challenged or its validity is questioned , the company can show that it has acted not only in good faith but with due care and prudence .
18 Unless the inviting church can show that it has the capacity within itself to attract and retain the outsider , it is unlikely to do so as the result of a brief visit from an itinerant evangelist , no matter how gifted .
19 ‘ With high-profile black figures , we can show that drug dealing is n't the only way to gain a nice car , ’ explains BROTHER director Curfew .
20 Chrissie can not deny that she took the items , but she might well argue that she thought Fred had the authority to let her have them , and unless we can show that she had been told otherwise our prosecution might well fail , especially since the law traditionally recognizes that ‘ perks ’ are a feature of the catering industry .
21 So , although we can show that deprivation produces loss of function on certain tasks , these studies do not indicate how the loss may be combatted , if at all and , from a psychological point of view , they do not give any idea of how this changed processing affects other aspects of function .
22 Quite apart from this we can show that MCE is not performed consistently or accurately enough to provide effective codes even in this unimodal situation .
23 Even if we can show that this mapping occurs , it is not a complete answer , since we then need a theory of how operations conducted at the neural level translate into behavioural subprocesses .
24 And each breach at state level makes it harder to justify the national ban , particularly if banks can show that their presence is giving consumers a better deal .
25 After all , unless we can show that we are able to do better with the totality of the sums , and the totality of the business , why should any shareholder believe that we know better how to deal with his money if we are to invest in areas outside our particular expertise , than he can by individual investments ?
26 The prohibitions in the CSA 1985 are rendered ineffective where the defendant can show that , notwithstanding the fact that he fulfilled all the conditions mentioned in ss.1 and 2 CSA 1985 , the dominant purpose of his trade was not with a view to making a profit or avoiding a loss for either himself or another person .
27 Failing this , the section either ought to be amended to provide , as does s.61 ( below ) , for persons to sue where they have been adversely affected , or , as is the case in the US , where they can show that they have traded during the same time period as the insider .
28 Despite the differences in definition of F , G and H we can show that there is only one empty set .
29 This will ( essentially ) be achieved if we can show that , whenever we write a as a product , that is a = bc with b , c ε Z , then one of b , c is a unit .
30 This means that such extracts are protected provided the defendant can show that they were published in good faith and without malice .
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