Example sentences of "can not find " in BNC.

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1 If you can not find an address of the local group , ask your local Citizens Advice Bureau , local library , or write to Age Concern England , Astral House , 1268 London Road , London SW16 4ER , Tel : ( 081 ) 679 8000 .
2 Either from choice or because they can not find employment , people are retiring earlier .
3 This desire that can not find its name ( though it would dare speak it , if it could ) is pleasurable .
4 SALES of sheltered housing units are falling because older people can not find buyers to purchase their existing properties .
5 If you can not find wooden boxes , use large polythene bags for storage , but leave the bag tops open .
6 The play 's strength is that it draws on Eliot 's earlier work and makes that earlier work transferable to the West End , a triumph in itself ; its weakness , like that of most of the plays , is that it offers us little we can not find more concisely and intensely expressed in the poetry .
7 The firm says it simply can not find the cash to meet its wage bill .
8 The firm says it simply can not find the cash to meet its wage bill .
9 Use a good cream cheese if you can not find Mascarpone .
10 The big oddity is why pay remains low for skills that an industry needs but can not find .
11 If the computer can not find the part at the local air base , the request is automatically forwarded , via satellite , to the right place back in America .
12 English cricket does not have this capacity for internal strife in the same way , the periodic Yorkshire blood-lettings being of a different order ; but West Indian cricket has grown strong precisely because it has risen above its problems , and on that basis England can not find the same sort of strength since they do not have the same problems to overcome .
13 Sorry , we can not find a place for you in the Christian ministry . ’
14 In fact , you can not find more conformity than among young people .
15 They can not find it here in stone as soft as sand
16 This , when I can not find a word .
17 If you can not find a diary , buy a large notebook instead .
18 This is because many children want to talk about the subject but can not find an adult in whom to confide or who is willing to talk about it .
19 But the main deterrent is that in much of Russia and Ukraine the bureaucrats , Servicemen and scientists who rode roughshod over the locals while living ‘ abroad ’ can not find homes or jobs .
20 ‘ There must be something radically wrong with the play if it pleases everybody , ’ he wrote , ‘ but at the moment I can not find what it is . ’
21 Of course because there are no living trilobites we can not find direct confirmation of this hypothesis , but we can look for other arthropods that have the same modifications of the eyes , for example , in the present day oceans .
22 I want to be able to secure the white eight spokes onto my SWB IIA , but can not find a Net of locking wheel nuts to fit .
23 The originals were cut before I purchased the vehicle and I can not find the answer on any wiring diagram .
24 I 've been overhauling the gearbox in my Series III 109 , 4-cylinder petrol , but can not find a trace of gearbox number to order parts .
25 Some Latin American educationalists predict that the ensuing frustration of an educated population that can not find appropriate work , will lead to social conflict .
26 Yet she can not find an entirely satisfactory alternative , for the life of the spinster is often portrayed in stark terms .
27 Those that can not find room form spherical clumps , hydrophobic tails innermost , called miscelles .
28 Some patients , especially after a head injury , may become disorientated while they are out , so that they can not find their way home .
29 The teenager who can not find a job , the young mother with no one but toddlers to talk to , the active man forced to retire because of age regulations , the person who spends day after day doing the same repetitive work — all these people , and many others , may suffer from extreme boredom .
30 If you can not find the cash , the beneficiaries can sell the shares to whoever they like — and , again , you could find yourself with an outsider on the board .
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