Example sentences of "can be hard " in BNC.

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1 Its narrator and chief human presence is by no means straightforwardly a victim , and the difference between oppressor and oppressed can be hard to identify .
2 Sometimes they were a little lifeless , not with lethargy or simple weariness ( they could be that , but then his whole body-language ‘ drooped ’ accordingly ) , but with a specific withdrawn quality which , when taken with a certain passivity of the face , can be hard and unyielding : betokening a concern — even a resentment — in being examined in that particular way .
3 THE attentions of General Motors , the world 's largest car manufacturer , can be hard to resist — something Jaguar may very soon discover as GM and its US rival , Ford , slug it out for the hand of the embattled luxury car maker .
4 Nor is there any reason why the state should tell firms how to attract and keep good staff in a country where qualified labour can be hard to find .
5 Going there directly can be hard as Alcatel , a French equipment maker , found out .
6 Antique bird baths can be hard to find , but copies of early types are available
7 If you are busy at home or out at work ( and perhaps you have others to look after as well ) it can be hard to envisage any free time .
8 These difficulties have to be explained to the carer , as they can be hard to understand .
9 Other methods such as transferring the employee , restructuring the job and firing the person tend to be last resort tactics and in certain circumstances can be hard , or even impossible to implement .
10 Beyond the reshuffle of managerial roles and relationships , the impact of general management can be hard to perceive .
11 It can be hard if they are all in a group talking about people or things you know nothing about .
12 It can be hard to leave your work behind when you go home , especially if something has happened to upset you , such as an illness or death .
13 ‘ It can be hard when they die , because you build up a bond with them .
14 On retirement their savings and pension enable them to buy their own flat or cottage ; but because they may never have cooked more than a snack for themselves or lived alone , the adjustment to this different way of life can be hard to make .
15 The role of step-parents can be hard , especially if the problems have not been foreseen and the marriage has taken place on a powerful wave of emotion and little else .
16 Where there is a mix of your own grandchildren and stepgrandchildren , it can be hard to be even-handed and learn to accept the new arrivals .
17 Every couple has to find for themselves where this balance lies and , to be frank , this can be hard for some because one partner 's idea of novelty is the other 's perception of tedium .
18 Dramatic-looking black gravel can be hard to come by , so we used a small amount to cover a thick layer of ordinary gravel for the undergravel filter .
19 Listening demands concentration , a focus of attention ; it costs effort , it can be hard work , much harder work when there is a hearing loss .
20 As a London employer , finding the right person for a job can be hard work .
21 The relationship between the punchcard and the woven design can be hard to determine .
22 In fact there are so many great areas to take a walking holiday in the UK , it can be hard to decide exactly where to go .
23 The pull of mountains which top the magic 3,000ft mark can be hard to resist .
24 Most stains can be removed if treated at once , but dried-on stains can be hard to shift .
25 All reviewers have to try to stand outside the immediate context of their listening , but that can be hard to do at the same time as keeping all emotional wavelengths open .
26 This new album , in particular , is so imbued with the loss of an ebbing innocence that it can be hard to believe they were written by another person .
27 It can be hard to predict where the familiar clusters of ash keys will appear , because this tree has the peculiar propensity of varying the sex of its flowers according to the season .
28 " But it can be hard to defend oneself against the weather .
29 Most hole-dwellers have to excavate their homes for themselves and that can be hard work .
30 Moreover , however arbitrary musical meanings and conventions are — rather than being ‘ natural ’ , or determined by some human essence or by the needs of class expression — once particular musical elements are put together in particular ways , and acquire particular connotations , these can be hard to shift .
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