Example sentences of "can be little " in BNC.

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1 There can be little doubt that such examples represent the tip of an iceberg .
2 However , there can be little doubt that significant numbers of protestant loyalists see themselves as a distinct , almost ethnic group .
3 There can be little doubt , however , that a sense of God 's presence and of the supernatural in general were long-standing characteristics of Irish popular religion , along with magical and semi-magical local religious practices .
4 Though opinion in the South gradually softened , there can be little doubt that the obverse would have been the case had the British government not changed tack and demurred at an openly repressive strategy .
5 Finally , below a few hundred feet , if no definite field has been chosen there can be little or no choice , and an accident is almost certain to happen .
6 If Pound had attended to Thomas Hardy 's marriage to Florence Emily Dugdale within two years of the death of his first wife , Emma , there can be little doubt that this is the verdict he would have passed on the transaction .
7 There can be little doubt for instance that the doubtfulness or downright hostility felt towards Eliot by some Americans , particularly in recent decades , derives from the sort of American Eliot was — and remained , long after he had taken British citizenship .
8 And , although you do get Patsy Kensit to show that not all Boers are boors , there can be little doubt that casting like this will in the long run do more to bring about the end of white rule in South Africa than Robert Royston 's worthy but long-winded drama of apartheid horrors .
9 Environmental protection and wealth creation are in tension but not necessarily in conflict , and indeed there can be little hope of improving the quality of the environment without the resources to do so .
10 But there can be little doubt that such change is not going to happen overnight .
11 There can be little doubt that the administration of criminal justice has paid insufficient attention to problems of sexual abuse over the years , and recent improvements in police procedures and in services for victims are to be welcomed .
12 There can be little doubt that at the time Constantine took control of the Western empire , Christianity can have been the religion of only a minority , though perhaps not so tiny a minority as has sometimes been thought .
13 Even so , there can be little doubt that by the middle of the war , the hold of the ‘ Hitler myth ’ was among German youth , too , in a process of disintegration .
14 There can be little doubt that it was the professionalism of Karajan 's music-making — revered by fellow musicians — allied to a range of truly outstanding performances spread across a vast repertoire that had generated this success .
15 Whether or not the Palace actually arranged for the drawing to be removed , there can be little doubt that they were delighted to be rid of it . …
16 There can be little doubt that any government would rapidly do so should it become politically expedient .
17 There can be little doubt that a Labour Minister for Women would be hard put to right all our wrongs ; none the less , it is likely that she will save a few battered women 's refuge centres from closure , open the odd nursery school , and raise the tax status of child-minders to that of company cars .
18 An important qualification is that we are looking at groups of professionals and the manner in which they are organised rather than at individual teachers — at this latter level there can be little doubt that many individual teachers do respond to client needs despite the structure around them .
19 There can be little doubt about the lack of parental rights over choice of school prior to 1980 .
20 There can be little doubt these were the remains of the gregarious farmer 's ferocious assailants .
21 There can be little doubt that this sympathy and support ( of masses of nationalities for the Party ) was one of the decisive factors that determined the triumph of our party .
22 Whatever its interpretation , there can be little doubt that the structure of family life is changing .
23 There can be little doubt that this is about to happen again , and our debt to the soil is far greater than ever before .
24 All this work was done in close cooperation with Hofmann , and there can be little doubt that this was beneficial to both parties .
25 However , while they remain in the hands of farmers , and while agricultural workers are completely dependent on their employers not only for their jobs but also for housing and education , there can be little hope of real improvement or of community involvement .
26 There can be little doubt that a GIS approach has wide applicability in all sorts of location problems where the goal is to minimize ( rather than , as conventionally , maximize ) accessibility to a population .
27 There can be little doubt that one of the main reasons for the urban problem is a reduction in both economic activity and employment opportunities in the older conurbations .
28 However innocuous overall objectives might appear , there can be little doubt that a much tighter evaluation of Urban Programme funding had been implemented since the 1985 review ( DoE , 1985c ) .
29 Although there has been a proliferation in inner-city innovations in the 1980s , there can be little doubt that enterprise zones , together with Urban Development Corporations ( see Chapter 6 ) , have been the most significant of initiatives .
30 Whatever the merits of these arguments , there can be little doubt that for much of its existence the LDDC has not sought out partnership arrangements with elected local bodies — it has pursued market-led strategies whose impact on local communities has proved far from advantageous ; it has largely ignored local planning procedures ; and there has been little public accountability of its Policies and spending .
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