Example sentences of "can conclude that " in BNC.

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1 Thus we can conclude that the coins and the two monograms are more or less contemporary .
2 As we know that there were two mints under Nero , one at Rome and one at Lyon , we can conclude that the northern group was produced at Lyon and the southern group at Rome .
3 It might , of course , be the case that people stopped throwing good-luck coins into the water for some reason , but , in fact , the coin evidence coincides with archaeological evidence for a cessation of the maintenance of the buildings in the precinct in about AD350 , and we can conclude that the religious use of the site tailed off from about that date .
4 We can conclude that an associative mechanism is required in order to explain these findings .
5 We can conclude that , while it was a supply shock which caused the depth of the recession , it will require a recovery in demand to pull the economy out of recession .
6 Nevertheless , we can conclude that many of the megalithic monuments had some sort of astronomical import ( and this includes some aspects of the Egyptian Pyramids ) ; as to their religious meaning we can only guess .
7 We can conclude that so far the law 's quest to subject the power conferred on corporate managers to controls to prevent it from being exercised arbitrarily has not been successful .
8 From the investigation of distracting unattended words we can conclude that words are recognised before they are fixated , and that meanings might be useful in guiding our eyes efficiently across the text .
9 If the meaning of the unattended word is critical in demonstrating an effect , then we can conclude that attention is not necessary for the recognition of word meanings , and this argument was used in the experiment by Underwood , Whitfield and Winfield ( 1982 ) described above .
10 And we can conclude that some form of revolution had taken place in overseas holiday participation despite the high unemployment and the recession .
11 From this internal knowledge of Belfast English we can conclude that the speaker who says [ ku : ] for queue is using a careful style strategy to avoid the palatalized segment ( see my comments on avoidance of stigma in chapter 2.6 , above ) , which is a strongly regional marker and also a marker of older male speech .
12 It was this kind of evidence that led us to use the social network model in a systematic way : as Ballymacarrett is the most stable and well-established of the communities , we can conclude that the social conditions there are favourable to the emergence of a close-knit network structure of the kind often found in low-status communities ( Young and Wilmott , 1962 ) , and there is ample ethnographic evidence that a close-knit structure of this kind is capable of imposing normative consensus on its members .
13 But they are not better pattern selective elements , so I think one can conclude that the orientational selectivity of cortical neurons is not what makes it the organ of civilisation .
14 Should a metal bar be heated ten times , a hundred times , or how many times before we can conclude that it always expands when heated ?
15 Summarizing , we can conclude that the GGGCCC motif seems to adopt a strongly curved conformation with a direction of curvature opposite to and the magnitude similar to the A-tracts .
16 From the observed absence of such annihilation radiation we can conclude that our galaxy is made entirely of particles rather than antiparticles .
17 We can conclude that the audit has said nothing about economy , efficiency or effectiveness .
18 We can conclude that the advertising campaign has been very successful :
19 As a result of Johnson Matthey 's unique involvement in international standards and its recent success in achieving NAMAS accreditation , I think one can conclude that : When you weight it up Johnson Matthey have the Know How .
20 For present purposes we can conclude that Trotsky looked to proletarian democracy as a defence against bureaucratization .
21 This would suggest that around 30 per cent of the " living-out " labouring classes were to some extent skilled , but if living-in servants of all classes are included the proportion would shrink to a quarter and if unskilled " manufacturers " are removed , we can conclude that at least a fifth of the men of the labouring classes of the eighteenth century were more or less skilled , that is had something other than " common " labour power to offer on the labour market .
22 We can conclude that French woodwinds were being used in England from about 1675 , when they were apparently introduced by the Hotteterres , and were still being played there by leading musicians through the first quarter of the 18th century .
23 Having now documented Louis 's address and instrument business near the Pont Marie Therese for the years 1691,1692 and 1712 , while the other Louis lived on the rue Marmousets and evidently worked in his brother Nicolas 's atelier ( according to common practice , he would have used his brother 's stamp ) , we can conclude that the former made instruments stamped ‘ L/Hotteterre ’ with a fleur-de-lis above , whereas instruments by the latter would have been made in the workshop of Nicolas Hotteterre and stamped ‘ N/Hotteterre ’ with a six-pointed star above .
24 1.3 Conclusion One can conclude that : ( 1 ) The following classes of case are usually subject to the doctrine : ( a ) employment contracts regarding the period after the contract has ended ; ( b ) contracts analogous to ( a ) such as some agency agreements and partnership agreements ; ( c ) business sales contracts which preclude the vendor from competing with his former business ; ( d ) solus agreements ; and ( e ) any situation , not necessarily involving a contract , in which it appears a party has acted unreasonably , unfairly or oppressively so as to restrict another party , usually the plaintiff in the action , in the exercise of his trade , profession or employment .
25 We can conclude that an increase in national income will only be equivalent to an increase in real output per capita if both prices and the population remain unchanged .
26 Recall from Chapter 8 that , according to the Hicks-Kaldor condition , if any change occurs which redistributes income in such a way that the gainers can potentially compensate the losers and still be better off than they were before , then we can conclude that potential economic welfare has increased .
27 We can conclude that the national income figures play an important role in the planning of both short- and long-run government policies .
28 Generally , then , we can conclude that the monetarists ' major policy recommendation is : maintain a steady constant growth in the money supply , otherwise leave things well alone .
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