Example sentences of "can ever [be] " in BNC.

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1 In the Poetry Review for February , 1912 , a critic , who is himself a poet , and whom I always read with great interest , speaks of the struggle ‘ to find out what has been done , once and for all , better than it can ever be done again , and to find out what remains for us to do ’ … .
2 While no researcher , irrespective of their gender , can ever be totally sure that respondents are being truthful ( specially so in our case ) , the research design compensated for this .
3 ‘ I have known such a life … the days seemed to be longer , the air sweeter than it can ever be in England …
4 Yet no one can ever be lonely on The Canadian .
5 Probably no system can ever be foolproof , particularly when developing technologies continually present new problems for the monitors .
6 Oh ! who can ever be tired of Bath ? .
7 This book will not provide a definitive study of the reign of Mary Queen of Scots ; such a study lies far in the future , if it can ever be achieved at all .
8 The normal definition , that tasks will be executed at Community level only if they can not be satisfactorily dealt with at national level , begs the most important questions which can ever be asked in a democratic system : who decides ? how ? what for ?
9 Of course , it has always been axiomatic that no treaty amendments can ever be operative unless and until parliament has approved them .
10 His most significant work , The Critique of Pure Reason , sets out the limits to thought insofar as they can ever be set from the perspective of people who are subject to those limits themselves .
11 However as no dose can ever be too small then any dosing level will have some effect .
12 No dictionary can ever be complete , and every user will perhaps find omissions ; and there is the occasional error , as the final section of this chapter describes , but the book remains invaluable .
13 No area of the law can ever be said to be easy but the legislation dealing with obscene and indecent publications seems to be unduly complicated .
14 This means that it is possible to kill many more rabbits in one field at any one time with a rifle than can ever be accomplished with a shotgun .
15 As long as the presence of doubt is detected anywhere , neither faith nor knowledge can ever be complacent .
16 The social worker will be like a skilled ‘ friend ’ to them , who can help them in many areas of their life , perhaps by suggesting ways of overcoming loneliness by putting them in contact with the type of activity , club , Day Centre or workshop that would interest them , and arranging suitable transport for this ; or , if they are not particularly keen on group social activities , sometimes by finding individual volunteers to visit them and take them out ; although it should be remembered that no social worker or voluntary visitor can ever be a real substitute for care from their own family .
17 A system , of greater barbarity can hardly be imagined ; the country being generally so wet , the means to air and dry it here used are , to exclude the sun and wind by the tall screens of underwood and forest around every field , and these being so small , a great number are so wood-locked , that it is a little surprising how the corn can ever be ripened .
18 Also a local Christian , prepared by the Spirit , is more effective in his witness than the missionary can ever be .
19 The qualities of the Queen of the Night , as with the other eight archetypes , can be discovered in a variety of personal and cultural contexts ; none of the Nine can ever be pinned down to one final form .
20 Slowly , slowly , at the pace of a snail , both front wheels gained traction and in a matter of minutes , of seconds , the recalcitrant back wheel gave up its suicidal spinning and followed the others on to firm ground , if sand can ever be called firm .
21 It is only when everything else has genuinely been tried that divorce can ever be contemplated .
22 A later Murdoch novel , The Sea , the Sea ( 1978 ) , explores in the same unblinking fashion an aspect of human selfhood from another angle : its ageing hero , living cheerfully for himself and cooking dishes that hardly anyone else would want to eat , suddenly rediscovers a lost love , is deranged enough to kidnap her , fails to regain her love in captivity and is forced to accept , by the end , that his old self-sufficient life is all there is or can ever be .
23 it is extremely doubtful that the overall system … can ever be made to work without the kind of total ideological commitment and radical transformation which underlie its operation in socialist Yugoslavia .
24 Because only a small handful of events can ever be experienced by individuals at first hand , we inevitably rely on the mass media to inform us about events beyond our immediate grasp .
25 But if this is so , not only is the case against holism once more put in doubt , the case for supposing that it can ever be established in such an a priori fashion is threatened at the same time .
26 It is only as economic circumstances have eased , for most people at least , that the expressive aspects of relationships have become more prominent , although whether family relationships can ever be regarded as ‘ purely ’ expressive is very questionable ( ibid .
27 The strike threat was formidable : there is no way lost production on a newspaper can ever be made up .
28 It is misguided in believing that a solution to the problem of the legitimacy of corporate managerial power can ever be found by looking to either the market or the ordering of power within the company .
29 Notwithstanding these restrictions , Basque officials are confident that the quality of the art works that will be transferred to Bilbao will be guaranteed by clauses in the agreement , and by the fact that , due to a lack of space in the New York Museum , only about one-seventh of the total Solomon Guggenheim collection can ever be exhibited there at any one time .
30 The search for the definitive monograph on Piero , if such a book can ever be written , will continue .
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