Example sentences of "can be properly " in BNC.

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1 However , until it can be properly established how this striking image came into being , the mystery will not be completely solved .
2 When the Israelites go out to gather it , each of them gathers exactly the right amount for himself and his family ; on the sixth day of the week a double portion is given and collected so that the sabbath rest can be properly kept ; on the sabbath , appropriately , no manna appears at all ; while any kept at the end of any of the first five days goes bad overnight , the half of the sixth day 's gathering put aside for the sabbath keeps perfectly fresh .
3 Sufficient time to do the statistical work so that it is completed accurately and can be properly checked
4 Eysenck wrote in New Scientist ( vol 94 , p 803 ) , that ‘ the age of six … is about the youngest age at which IQ tests can be properly applied ’ .
5 In a centralised system the dull and docile will always go along with new policies , but no change can be properly interpreted or adequately sustained without support from active thinkers and innovators at different levels in a system .
6 A 100-yard net can be properly set in less than five minutes — I could do that single-handed out of experience , but there is nothing in the technique that any novice need regard as prohibitive .
7 Mixed feelings of fear , embarrassment , anxiety , distress , inadequacy and guilt must be overcome before the debt problem can be properly tackled .
8 COHSE says trusts and units are joining a ‘ lemming-like rush ’ to abandon their current systems in favour of job evaluation , despite scant proof that the system works effectively or can be properly adapted to nursing .
9 ‘ There 's the whole question of what measures of performance can be used , in particular whether quality of care can be properly measured and linked to pay .
10 The Ministers in this scandal should be ordered to appear before a Commons committee so that their actions , and those of the Government , can be properly examined .
11 ‘ From my point of view , prescription charges have now reached such a level that they can be properly described as a health tax , ’ he said .
12 It also requires money to pay for transferring important components or sections of the aircraft structure to a place where they can be properly examined and possibly tested and for the different kinds of structural tests which have to be carried out on undamaged components .
13 There remains , however , considerable debate concerning how a rule might be precisely defined and how such a construct can be properly applied to the study of social behaviour .
14 Such is the importance of these events that none of the radical changes in Japan over the last 150 years can be properly understood without reference to them .
15 But " before the office of proof reading can be properly undertaken , a regular apprenticeship to printing must be worked out …
16 This is designed to ensure that the policing of the demonstration can be properly planned .
17 This method — if it can be properly so called — is usually applied not to the full range of candidates but to the candidates of the voter 's favourite party .
18 The only sense in which the legislature can be properly said to have authorised these things to be done is that it has enabled the Poor Law Board to order , and the managers to do them , if , and when , and where , they can obtain by free bargain and contract the means of doing so .
19 All that we are concerned to ensure is that the present applicants have a proper opportunity of obtaining the evidence they seek so that the grave allegations which they make — the very same allegations that troubled this court sufficiently to allow the appellant 's appeal — can be properly tested in the courts .
20 Before such questions can be properly investigated , it is worth asking if the changes do really amount to a revolution in the economic roles of men and women .
21 Before any programme for an elimination of " spurious designators can be properly evaluated , before its feasibility , and above all its significance , can be properly judged , it is essential that the concept of an ontological existent be clarified and made absolutely precise and this task is the most complex and most difficult of all .
22 Before any programme for an elimination of " spurious designators can be properly evaluated , before its feasibility , and above all its significance , can be properly judged , it is essential that the concept of an ontological existent be clarified and made absolutely precise and this task is the most complex and most difficult of all .
23 Or a necessary razing of expectation before anything can be properly thought , or done , or written ?
24 On the other hand , wallmounted fittings do n't take up table space , have no trailing flex and can be properly directed to your reading material .
25 Hence the tribunal must give what the reviewing court regards as the correct meaning to the statutory terms , before the tribunal can be properly within the sphere of its jurisdiction ; mistakes as to the meaning of these terms become jurisdictional errors .
26 a continuing review of staff and student FTEs so that appropriate admission targets can be agreed with the Dean , other Heads of Departments and the appropriate Faculty Dean , and so that Field Chairs can be properly advised on the implications of student transfers and exchanges .
27 The death threats he received in London do n't point to it , but if you have any other reason for believing that theory I must ask you to reveal it so that it can be properly investigated . ’
28 Targets are needed so that performance can be properly measured by the Secretary of State and the public ’ , said Dr Caldwell .
29 It seems best at present to leave Ophiolebes retecta in Ophiolebes until Ophiochondrus and its allies can be properly revised .
30 Before turning to a detailed discussion of the lives of the Muftis , it will be useful to examine in some detail the development of the learned hierarchy in the Ottoman state , since it is only against this background that the development of the institution of the Muftilik can be properly appreciated .
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