Example sentences of "will provide for " in BNC.

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1 They will want to be sure that you are prepared to give your time to care for the children , that you will provide for all their needs and take them out regularly , and that you really do like small children !
2 It seems a fair bet that the water companies will be less than enthusiastic about providing the public with evidence that will provide for their own prosecution .
3 If the very young , and sometimes the educationally very backward , are taught , or perhaps more accurately indoctrinated , with the idea that there is a ‘ god ’ who approves the teaching , who is caring for them , and who will provide for their needs , they will believe this , even when a state of intense deprivation confutes this every day of their lives .
4 Always remember to keep the Lord first and He will provide for you in any circumstance .
5 This will encompass the widest possible range of survey descriptors , and will provide for cross-referencing to other BGS databases .
6 It is expected that the project leader will establish an activity that will provide for the expansion and the continuity of employment of its staff .
7 This will provide for over 600 square metres of new gallery space and the upgrading and air conditioning of over 1,100 further square metres .
8 Basic microeconomic theory suggests that investors will forgo present consumption and invest ( cash ) in the expectation of a future higher return ( initial cash outlay plus dividends or interest ) that will provide for greater future consumption .
9 As all cause standardised mortality ratio is highly correlated with , and so is a good proxy for , chronic sickness it is not clear how much extra information the new census question will provide for mapping the distribution of health care need useful for resource allocation .
10 They will provide for pensions on the same terms as are currently enjoyed .
11 As well as advising on death duties and acting as executor of wills , this division will provide for those who need help in managing their own affairs , arrange retirement benefits and advise on tax reduction .
12 Rose could never afford for herself the sort of supper her young man will provide for her , and she 's fly enough not to get herself dragged into an alley and done out of it .
13 Secondly , institutional changes have also been introduced which hopefully will provide for a more cooperative relationship between the Council of Ministers and the EP .
14 higher than the plans for the current year and will provide for further expansion in health services .
15 It will provide for far more cross-European co-operation against crime than we have ever known .
16 What seems probable is that the forms of work involvement , and the way households arrange amongst themselves how they will provide for their needs , will evolve rapidly .
17 This grant will provide for research assistance in the coding and analysis of a large data set for Greater Glasgow which records every household move made in the private sector housing stock in a sample year ( 1983 ) .
18 We therefore propose to introduce at Report Stage a Government amendment which will provide for discretionary trusts which were in existence on 26th March 1974 to rearrange their position , if they so wish , at rates of charge which will be substantially below the rates that would otherwise be chargeable .
19 ‘ I am particularly excited about the opportunities that it will provide for opening up for the first time higher educational facilities in the area .
20 the loan is very often available in both local and foreign currency the buyer credit itself will provide for a loan of up to 85% of the cost of eligible goods and services .
21 Dealing with one or two specific points that have been raised , particularly with regard to size , in my view the balanced community which can be envisaged within a new settlement will provide for housing , employment , community services , and recreational opportunities , it will not simply be a peripheral housing estate transferred to the open countryside , in my submission I have already stated that I do believe a new settlement of up to fourteen hundred dwellings should indeed be viable , and commercially attractive to the development industry .
22 Why is it unlikely that depreciation will provide for replacement of the fixed asset ?
23 In many ways this huge and fascinating archive will provide for students of late twentieth-century British politics something similar to what Francis Place has left for the historian of the early nineteenth century .
24 A draft contract will provide for a 10% deposit , and if it then transpires that the buyer can not afford to pay this , it is customary to negotiate it down to 5% , but not usually below .
25 For example , an employee will have a written contract of employment in which clauses will provide for the restraint of trade and for the protection of business secrets .
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