Example sentences of "would have had " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Had that not happened we would 've had a lot more people at the rally .
2 Debbie sports a Medicine shirt , to remind us that the difficult West Coast noiseniks were once to play Rollercoaster , but would 've had to go on at about three in the afternoon to meet some venues ' childish curfews .
3 ‘ Alex Bannen would 've had a screaming fit if we 'd left you to mess up his precious Bridge ; God alone knows what Tiw would 've done . ’
4 Measured by the middle group 's criteria they would 've had three then would they ?
5 I think the reason they probably did this because it 's , it 's , it was politically harder to do that , they would 've had to taken a lot more responsibility .
6 If I wore those track braces I would 've had I would n't have been able to clean my teeth properly
7 Because Sandy was embarked on a marriage and a career pointing him in a more conventional direction than mine , planning the sort of life that looked to me to have more obviously evolved from the background I 'd put behind me , it did n't seem to me that he would have had the wherewithal — ‘ morally ’ , as I would have been quick to say then — to help me through my predicament or , if he did , that it was possible for me with my values , to solicit his assistance .
8 Levi , the expert on metals , would have had no difficulty in telling the difference between gold and tin .
9 The thing is that it costs 40 lira to go up now , but if he had waited just one hour more , till the 11 a.m. departure , he would have had to pay only two lira .
10 We had agreed at the start of this thing that pressing the Harwich local council for housing would probably be more trouble than it was worth : if one of their inspectors had decided to check my circumstances with the port authorities , the customs people would inevitably have found out about the way in which I had been using their cupboard ( and would have had a pink fit , probably ) .
11 ‘ If they had , the troopers would have had their heads off . ’
12 But surely , if he had been spying , he would have had to continue coming to all the meetings ?
13 With the disappearance of temple-worship as such , this fell into misuse , but a new significance took its place , which would have had particular significance for Leonard 's parents and grandparents .
14 ‘ I would have had it done , ’ said the owner , a small , pale woman , ‘ but I 'm selling up to go and live with my sister and it did n't seem worth it . ’
15 Mr Smith would have had to pay 20% of this — £80 and would have received a rebate for £320 .
16 Basically he felt that as Class AA was his freshman project , any exposure to your article would have had to have been indirect via his teachers .
17 He would have had to be as different as T. S. Eliot ; and there 's an end of that speculation !
18 Having won two of this series in the fastest times already , he would have had to finish four seconds behind the steeplechaser Mark Rowland to lose the first prize of £5,000 .
19 If they had all gone for a midnight swim , we would have had the worst slick since the Torrey Canyon .
20 I found it was possible with Paradise to talk about individual and personal responsibility , something which if set in a contemporary context would have had a preachy feel about it . ’
21 The Unionist MP Ken Maginnis , a former UDR member , said : ‘ What I hope is not happening is that people who — as I would have had in my time — had montages for lawful and necessary purposes will be made scapegoats . ’
22 If I 'd had control over everything I would have had a full Wales tour in the summer and then we would n't have needed to have the practice games , but as it is we are giving them the advantage and I wanted to try to do something about that . ’
23 For Mrs Thatcher , the timing of President de Klerk 's announcement in the week before the Commonwealth conference is helpful , though she would have had no difficulty in resisting pressure there for further sanctions .
24 Accordingly if the defendant had commenced proceedings in which the court would have had jurisdiction to order contribution against the appellant , the claim would have been statute barred .
25 Uderzo says they preferred not to film in America : ‘ They would have had a very different idea of how to approach the jokes .
26 No doubt after six days of living in a trench , the dirt would have had time to grime itself in .
27 He had a good knowledge of Scotland , particularly the bagpipes , and I am sure if I had offered to go along to Brigade HQ to fetch my bagpipes he would have had me marching up and down the orchard playing his favourite tunes , much to the consternation of the other Commandos , and possibly the annoyance of the Germans just a short distance away .
28 But he would have preferred Lord Halifax to Churchill as prime minister in 1940 and even in retrospect believed that the country would have fought the war better under Halifax and that the admirals and the generals would have had a less neurotic time .
29 No archbishop but Fisher would have had the administrative ability or the tenacity to achieve the end .
30 They had found the answer to the American conundrum , and they assured themselves that no other people on earth would have had the qualities necessary to do so .
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