Example sentences of "up [coord] prepared " in BNC.

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1 After about twenty minutes I got up and prepared to leave , thanking both of them for their hospitality .
2 When she was dressed and made up and prepared for it , she enjoyed the attention , she enjoyed being photographed , and she found the sight of her face on the covers of magazines and newspapers enormously exciting .
3 If job security is what you seek , then besides setting your agreement down in black and white , you should strive to be well organised , willing to discuss your grievances rather than bottling them up and prepared to react flexibly if circumstances change .
4 I stood up and prepared to go .
5 " You must go back , " he whispered at length , and they stood up and prepared to depart .
6 Taking this to be a form of dismissal , Greg stood up and prepared to take his leave .
7 The others were already mounted and Maggie felt herself begin to tremble as Felipe came up and prepared to help her .
8 Robyn hastily sat up , watched with horrified fascination as Luke dragged Callum 's limp body up and prepared to hit him once again .
9 Brown stood up and prepared to leave .
10 We saw our chance , and hastily we packed up and prepared for the long trek back the way we had come , to the Youth Hostel .
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