Example sentences of "up [art] commission " in BNC.

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1 Under the present regime , where differential pricing is forbidden , big tied agents like the Halifax , Nationwide and Leeds Permanent — taking advantage of the fact that they are powerful distribution channels with ‘ hot client bases ’ — have pushed up the commissions they receive from the life offices to which they are tied to huge levels .
2 In August the Agitprop section of the Twelfth Party Conference had set up a commission to start a state subsidy for the politically reliable press .
3 The next stage is for the UN secretary-general on May 18th to say how he proposes to set up a commission that will , in the 45 days after that , develop a plan for inspecting and destroying these weapons .
4 Such is Mitterrand 's passion for golf that he has set up a Commission Ministerielle de terminologie du sport .
5 We will set up a commission to examine , area by area , the appropriate local government arrangements in England .
6 We will set up a Commission of Human Rights to assist individuals to take legal action in cases of discrimination or other breaches of the rights guaranteed in the Convention .
7 Nebiolo has set up a commission to look into the thorny question of World Championship prize money .
8 Later , during the 1960s , Academician M. Tikhomirov proposed setting up a commission to locate the library , and some of its expeditions were still active as late as the 1970s .
9 Yet there can be little doubt that Joseph 's reformism was genuine and was combined with an attempt to appeal to the national past ; he encouraged the national theatre , set up a commission to exhume Cervantes ' remains , patronized a national museum of painting .
10 Co-operative or not , Cotterell was obviously in charge and not to be messed about with while he set up a commission .
11 Depressed by what he perceived as a work-shy post-war Britain , Braham in May 1952 sailed with his wife and his three young sons to take up a commission in the Royal Canadian Air Force .
12 They could have published a White Paper or set up a commission of inquiry .
13 The government on Feb. 16 set up a commission to establish the full truth of the invasion by Warsaw Pact troops in 1968 which brought the Dubcek reformist regime to an end [ see p. 22909 ] .
14 King Birendra appoints Lokendra Bahadur Chand as the new Prime Minister and sets up a commission to investigate allegations of police violence ; later the same day the police shoot dead as many as 150 demonstrators outside the Royal Palace in Kathmandu .
15 The ruling All-People 's Congress at first resisted growing pressure for the introduction of a multiparty system of government , but the party 's central committee in August 1990 decided to set up a commission to review the Constitution .
16 The government met in emergency session on May 22 and agreed to set up a commission of inquiry to investigate the assassination .
17 In its statement finally agreed early on May 9 the Collective State Presidency ( i ) banned for one month the movement of armed formations and civilians other than army and federal police at " crisis flashpoints " in Croatia , and between mainly Serbian areas and other parts of Croatia ; ( ii ) ordered the immediate demobilization of all police reservists in Croatia and the surrender of their weapons ; and ( iii ) set up a commission including Croatian representatives as well as " legitimate representatives " of Serbs from Croatia to investigate the causes of the crisis including " the right of a nation to self-determination including secession " .
18 In a move designed to bring Andorra more into line with western European democratic states , the General Council unanimously agreed on June 18 , 1990 , to set up a commission , comprising representatives of the Co-princes and of the Council , to draft a written constitution .
19 The Russian Supreme Soviet decided on Feb. 6 ( the date by which the final report on Crimea 's status was to have been completed ) to set up a commission , with Foreign Affairs Ministry participation , " to study all the circumstances of the legal grounds of the decision taken in 1954 " .
20 A Bundestag ( lower house of federal parliament ) debate on March 12 set up a commission of inquiry into the former East German regime .
21 Fokin agreed to set up a commission to look into union grievances .
22 Two days after changing tack , Alexander set up a Commission on the Reorganization of Provincial and District Institutions to work out how the new principle was to be embodied in legislation .
23 The UK Labour Party has set up a commission to draw up policies on the environment .
24 Mr Yeltsin and Mr Khasbulatov agreed on Tuesday to set up a commission to negotiate a ‘ constitutional agreement ’ for dividing power between legislature and executive but parliament yesterday postponed debate on the subject until next Thursday .
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