Example sentences of "up [prep] front " in BNC.

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1 My plan for how I was going to live out the rest of my days had just been torn up in front of my face and I needed time to adjust .
2 Do you find that it is a particular type of child who tends to come up in front of you ?
3 It was a perfect Autumn day as the Association 's Flight led the parade down the Mall to form up in front of Buckingham Palace .
4 the sailor beginning to crack leaps up in front of the
5 So you 're going to stand up in front of a judge and say all that , are you , Wally ?
6 ‘ And you just got up in front of Henry and those pipsqueaks in your department and said , ‘ Sorry and all that , old chaps , but I 've been wrong all my life and led you into error and wickedness ’ ? ’
7 But now many of them can stand up in front of the gate and talk back to the managing director .
8 He was recently quoted as saying : ‘ I 've got a terrible habit when people bring in a picture and say they want to look like that — I invariably tear it up in front of them .
9 For most of the time he shifted about from one foot to the other , more like a naughty schoolboy who has been hauled up in front of the head master than a genie rubbed out of a bottle .
10 By now , a hundred people have lined up in front of him and a security guard begins to keep them in line .
11 It 's now a rubber-lined tray with a mini-console jutting up in front , housing switches for mirrors , head-lamp height and a coin tray .
12 Like a rabbit she ran across the course to intercept Anmer and as the horse was hugging the rails she stood up in front of him holding both her hands above her head , and then sprang at him .
13 The girl up in front of him , a mere thirty or forty yards away , had a dark skin , lustrously sheened .
14 The test was carefully set up in front of her .
15 I was relieved to see a dozen or so people form up in front of me .
16 Miss Harker was certainly very charming and many had hoped that her arrival might bring them some relief , but not one of them wanted to stand up in front of the boss 's relative and complain about the mill .
17 ‘ I 'm interested in being part of a subversive band of people who live or die by what they put up in front of an audience .
18 I heard a car pull up in front of the apartment and heard the door slam shut .
19 The six of us walked to the front and lined up in front of the stage .
20 Then the Christians stood up in front of their barricade and put their arms round each other 's shoulders .
21 An enormous powder blue car , gleaming and new , its plentiful chromium winking in the sunlight , was drawn up in front of the house and against it leaned a man in a white suit .
22 A huge curtain of grey cliff rose up in front of him , the lie of the ground making its appearance seem instant and magical , like scenery in a theatre .
23 The rest of the journey she went silent , smoking and staring into the distance until Marler pulled up in front of the HQ of World Security in Threadneedle Street .
24 Solid lumps of lava also pile up in front of the advancing nose of the lava .
25 The good news is that , even in the minority of cases where the only solution is to leave your job and try your luck elsewhere , it is unusual for a dispute to arise that is so serious that you finish up in front of a judge or an industrial tribunal .
26 A queue of about ten people wearing gym shoes was lined up in front of the ladder .
27 But this was the hanging gardens of Hampden Babylon , the land where agents rule , books do n't balance and credit cards are cut up in front of your eyes .
28 Anyone entering from outside would only have seen Jim with his feet up in front of the fire , reading a thriller .
29 I suppose there must be some records in a dusty file somewhere of how often the ground crews lost the race against time and had the aircraft and bombs blow up in front of them , but as far as I can recollect this never happened at Bourn , at least not while I was there , and we were thankful to get through each busy night without catastrophes of that kind .
30 That was the man who the same year had stood up in front of the full pad and launched into his celebrated five-hour denunciation of Joseph Stalin .
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