Example sentences of "who live [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Hoomey took Nutty , Nutty 's cousin Bean ( son of Uncle Knacker ) and a Sikh boy called Jazz , an amiable lad in jeans and a turban who lived down the road from him .
2 If only she could lose her puppy fat and get her hair done at a proper salon instead of having it cut by Ivy Tucker who lived down the road and who did hairdressing for pin money .
3 There were the Lucas boys with their model railway , there were a couple of evacuees with their mothers , there was a German Jewess refugee with her adopted child , there was a friend who lived with them and helped at a school and her children were in and out a lot .
4 And there were boys in films who lived with the animals .
5 John Rowlands 's search ended with the discovery of his surviving grandfather , a ‘ severe and sour old man ’ who lived with two of Rowlands 's aunts in an old Welsh farmhouse .
6 But the other grandfather in the same family , an old Ulsterman , who lived with an aunt , still spent much of his day with his former workmates .
7 Many grandmothers who lived with their grandchildren helped look after them , made their clothes , got them up for school , minded them while their mothers went out to work : ‘ I thought of my grandmother even more so than my mother cos she was always there , you see .
8 There were two daughters of the marriage , Sophie , born in 1830 , who became the wife of Sir George Bailey , of Seal Close , in the Lincolnshire Wolds , and Christabel , born in 1825 , who lived with her parents until in 1853 a small independence , left her by a maiden aunt , Antoinette de Kercoz , enabled her to set up house in Richmond in Surrey , with a young woman friend whom she had met at a lecture of Ruskin 's .
9 Celano , in his Life of Francis , says that the brothers who lived with Francis ‘ desired to meet , and together they were happy ; on the other hand , absence was painful for them , separation was bitter and parting sorrowful ’ .
10 The spark of poetry was kindled in him by an elderly woman who lived with the family and was full of tales of witches and warlocks .
11 They were really much more than just bike rides , for Granny , who lived with the family , had told her the story of St. George and given her books about Brownies , and Brenda rode along the country lanes make-believing she was the knight riding to rescue the princess from the dragon .
12 For example Bergmann et al , 1978 found that 38 per cent of a sample of 83 patients with organic mental disorder referred to a day hospital assessment unit lived alone ; and the authors concluded , after following up the sample for 12 months , that those who lived alone were least likely to be maintained at home for that period of time even with substantial support from social services , and recommended that resources should be concentrated on those who lived with their families .
13 Similarly those who lived alone cost more in community services than those who lived with others ( Table 6.3 ) .
14 In Tables 6.2 and 6.3 the differences between the two groups are all in the expected direction , with the scale of the difference between the less costly and more costly being very similar for both variables ; some of the differences are large enough to be statistically significant , for example that between those who lived with others or alone in Newham at second assessment ( significant at the one per cent level ) .
15 People were dashing along the roads in their night attire having just thrown on coats , my father went off first , next my mother and my Aunt Gertrude who lived with us .
16 Then there was a great-great-grandmother Elizabeth Tallentire , who was Grandmother Bayles 's mother , who lived with her husband at a farm over at Holwick , which is a little way out of Baldersdale , on the way to Middleton in Teesdale .
17 Grandmother Hauxwell and Uncle Thomas Tallentire Hauxwell who lived with Hannah
18 It filled a weekend when I was alone ; my brother Donald , who lived with me , had gone up to London to hear the celebrated violinist Kreisler .
19 Mr Phipps , who lived with Ms Johnson in Southend , was thrown out of his car .
20 Not all of the émigrés from Eastern Europe were so fortunate as Goma and Tanase , who lived with the constant threat of assassination at least until Christmas 1989 .
21 Mr Bradford , who lived with his four brothers in Western Road , Brentwood , had been to visit a girlfriend the previous evening .
22 We had secretly videotaped Marshall , who lived with her parents in the Royal Mews at the Palace , selling high-quality cocaine .
23 Last night heartbroken Sandy , who lived with Brian at Didsbury , Manchester , said : ‘ Everyone who knew him has lost a part of themselves through this tragedy .
24 Just how important it is for the mountain goat to be footsure is summed up by Doug Chadwick , an American biologist who lived with goats for several years :
25 So was Alice Dodds , who lived with her family at the far end of the Butts .
26 Those who lived with a younger married couple were about five times less likely to receive a home-help visit than an elderly married couple .
27 Further , the data can be used to reveal a good deal about the composition of households — who lived with whom — but far less about the character and quality of relationships which people had with each other ( Laslett , 1972a , p. 1 ; Anderson , 1980 , pp. 36–7 ) .
28 John , 13 , who lived with his young mother and maternal grandmother in a small sparsely furnished council flat on a large housing estate , was seen by a student training to be a social worker .
29 A powerful challenge to such approaches was made as long ago as the 1930s by Professor E. E. Evans-Pritchard who lived with and studied the Azande of Central Africa , a technologically simple society whom Europeans therefore tended to assume were intellectually simple as well .
30 He was Alec Scrimgeour , an elderly and successful stockbroker , who lived with his sister Ethel in a fine house near Chichester .
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