Example sentences of "who believe that " in BNC.

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1 This was the position argued some years ago by practitioners of la nouvelle critique , who believed that clarity in argument was a form of ideological mystification , reinforcing the status quo .
2 The decision is part of a much wider shift in government thinking , in which Mr Patten has clearly been given Cabinet permission to distance his own policy from that of predecessors , such as Michael Heseltine , and , to a lesser extent , Mr Ridley , now Trade and Industry Secretary , who believed that economic success depended on getting the planner off the backs of business and citizen alike .
3 He was one of the army of young idealists who believed that ‘ scientific socialism ’ held all the answers for their war-ravaged country .
4 These are judges who accept ‘ no grovelling on the part of prisoners ’ , even those who play on having a relative in the RUC ( and we did come across a policeman who believed that his brother had been treated leniently in court as a result of this connection with the force ) .
5 Marx pours scorn on eighteenth- and nineteenth-century philosophers , such as the utilitarians , who believed that ideas and values had no real significance but were a mere reflection of natural conditions .
6 For years , the only person who believed that Alfred Molina would ever become a star was his wife , actress Jill Gascoine , and he credits her for his new-found success .
7 It is a miserable and heart-breaking business to take peasant families who left Vietnam 's poor northern provinces with visions of a new life in America dancing in their heads , who endured dangerous sea voyages , and who believed that Hong Kong 's camps , however dreadful , were a way station to their dream — to take these families and to return them to the red dirt farms and meagre fishing villages from which they came .
8 It is a miserable and heart-breaking business to take peasant families who left Vietnam 's poor northern provinces with visions of a new life in America dancing in their heads , who endured dangerous sea voyages , and who believed that Hong Kong 's camps , however dreadful , were a way station to their dream — to take these families and to return them to the red dirt farms and meagre fishing villages from which they came .
9 In this I had the enthusiastic support of the Prime Minister who believed that the state scheme should be replaced by individual private pension provision with a minimum compulsory requirement .
10 There had been trouble on Merseyside just once too often , and muddleheaded militants who believed that revolution was spawned in deprivation and poverty would be able to hold a little holiday in their hearts , secure in the knowledge that several more thousand British workers had been gulled into inflicting poverty and deprivation upon themselves .
11 At Rome in the 250s a split occurred between the rigorists led by Novatian who believed that for apostates there could be no restoration in this life , and those who saw no restriction in the Lord 's committal of the power of the keys to bind and loose .
12 Even so , the number of those who believed that Hitler would have been one of the greatest German statesmen of all time had it not been for the war remained relatively high , though this figure too had fallen sharply ( from 48 per cent in 1955 to 32 per cent by 1967 ) .
13 Dr Sasaki , who believed that the enemy had hit only the building he was in , got bandages and began to bind the wounds of those inside the hospital ; while outside , all over Hiroshima , maimed and dying citizens turned their unsteady steps toward the Red Cross Hospital to begin an invasion that was to make Dr Sasaki forget his own private nightmares for a long , long time … .
14 Gomez 's slight smile was that of a man who believed that politeness demanded he act a little embarrassed at doing his job .
15 Unlike Napoleon III , who believed that diplomacy could , if skilfully handled , bring results without war — and this in spite of his failures to make this work in 1854 and 1859 — Bismarck held with Frederick the Great that : ‘ Diplomacy without war is like music without instruments . ’
16 The Bethnal Greeners of the 1950s who believed that to live together was an invitation to ‘ open conflict ’ belonged to a long tradition .
17 the two interpretations were combined in late antiquity by the Stoics , who believed that , when the heavenly bodies return at fixed intervals of time to the same relative positions as they had at the beginning of the world , everything would be restored just as it was before and the entire cycle would be renewed in every detail .
18 They were the main enemies of the predominant sect , the Pharisees , who believed that salvation would only come if they adhered strictly to the Mosaic law , as originally set out in Deuteronomy where it was made clear that the chosen people must be a ‘ clean ’ people .
19 The two men met in Toledo in the spring of 1087 and with the exception of El Cid 's old enemies , there was general rejoicing from those who believed that if Rodrigo had commanded the army at Sagrajas the outcome would have been different .
20 Even extremists of the 1960s , who believed that the task of a school was to ensure that children enjoyed themselves while they were pupils , must have had in mind , as well , some further outcome , some advantage that would flow in the long run to the children who had been encouraged , under that regime , to ‘ grow ’ and ‘ blossom ’ and ‘ flourish ’ in the ‘ learning situation ’ provided by the class-room .
21 Both the media and academia had generations who believed that they had got a production-based right to ‘ do things to people ’ .
22 Figure 9.10 now tells a pretty clear story ; the proportion of people who believed that the economy had deteriorated in the previous year climbed from around 40 per cent at the beginning of 1984 to a peak of 67 per cent in February 1985 , but declined thereafter .
23 The preferences of those who believed that one candidate was going to win would be compared with those who believed that the rival was going to win ; the hypothesis would be that the former would be more sympathetic to the candidate than the latter .
24 The preferences of those who believed that one candidate was going to win would be compared with those who believed that the rival was going to win ; the hypothesis would be that the former would be more sympathetic to the candidate than the latter .
25 From their respective sites at Stowmarket and Peterborough , Prentice and Alcock could work out the heights and paths of the dust particles by triangulation , showing that these sporadic meteors were members of the Solar System , in contradiction to the view of professional astronomers in the United States who believed that they entered from interstellar space .
26 Eurotunnel 's advertising campaign has been highly successful in overcoming initial scepticism among those who believed that the project would meet the same fate as its predecessors .
27 The West Indian openers Cammie Smith and ‘ Shotgun ’ Williams were also men who believed that attack was the best form of defence — but sadly never reached the sunny uplands of consistent success .
28 In the eyes of those who believed that the Masai were decorative but unproductive idlers sitting on land that could be put to better use , the unco-operative attitude of district officials was mere romantic obstructionism , proof positive that they had been bewitched by the Masai .
29 who believed that ‘ human sexuality in all its richness is a gift of God gladly to be accepted , enjoyed and honoured , as a way of both expressing and growing in love , in accordance with the life and teaching of Jesus Christ . ’
30 These , in turn recruited and controlled others who believed that they were members of a genuine loyalist secret organisation .
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