Example sentences of "who believe [noun] " in BNC.

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1 In this ambition , she was unquestionably influenced by the attitude of Helen Stocks who believed Tutorial Classes were the only genuinely worthwhile courses of study .
2 The Invasion from Mars certainly contains some graphic case notes , such as the spinster who believed humanity deserved destruction for being too hedonistic ; and the unemployed young man who thought that this finally scuppered his chance of getting to college and work .
3 Herbert Morrison was an advocate of tighter centralised control , and the Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Fuel and Power , Sir Donald Fergusson ( who believed nationalisation would only work if the public corporations were genuinely independent ) felt that independence was more likely to be achieved with a larger corporation which was more able to resist direct government intervention .
4 She had sharp words for those men who believed time spent in women 's company was ‘ mis'employ 'd ’ but admitted that among the ‘ inferior sort ’ , ‘ the Condition of the two Sexes ’ was ‘ more level ’ than among their social superiors .
5 ISAAC ASIMOV , the writer who believed science fiction frequently preceded reality , died in New York yesterday of heart and kidney failure .
6 This was not altogether without a sense of loss , from those individuals , perhaps , who believed passion to be vital and life-affirming .
7 He was amongst those who believed Partition was not historically destined .
8 Girdwood 's essay was in response to those who believed menstruation to be a peculiarly human phenomenon .
9 There are still those who believe art is a luxury and medical care a necessity .
10 Those who believe Gerstner is a good choice for IBM point to his skill at cutting corporate expenses and willingness to pare payrolls , implying that IBM is a good but bloated company and conveniently forgetting that Akers cut IBM 's payroll by 25% and still ended up with unacceptable results .
11 They dismay the big auctioneers , such as Jacques Tajan of Ader-Tajan , and the modern paintings specialist Guy Loudmer , who believe competition from foreign countries not only to be beneficial to native companies of their importance , but also essential for Paris 's development as an art market .
12 Lee is even more Machiavellian : ‘ It is a safe bet that there are those in the Pakistan dressing-room who believe Javed Miandad was wrong to bat first , ’ he declares boldly on Friday morning .
13 A Labour Research magazine spokesman says employers who believe workers will ‘ pillow-talk ’ can dismiss staff .
14 Such a heart is good , but , say some scientists who believe dinosaurs were more active than hitherto supposed , not good enough .
15 Those who believe goalkeepers are overprotected will be happy , but the referee had given a free kick earlier for a less demanding challenge on Mimms .
16 Only one in four favours the idea of Britain joining the exchange rate mechanism immediately , compared with more than 40 per cent who believe entry should be delayed until inflation has ‘ substantially dropped ’ .
17 I felt unloved by my parents , who are the kind of people who believe children should be seen and not heard , and was unable to confide in them .
18 For those who believe rowing coaches are megaphone-wielding martinets , Spracklen 's style has been refreshing : a quiet , almost whining drone of a voice , softly pointing out technical faults or a lack of commitment in a way which commands almost total respect from his charges .
19 It can only lead to the suspicion that there are dangerous men on both sides who believe violence is the only way forward .
20 The result confirmed Mr Yeltsin as the leading figure among radicals who want to speed up the process of reform , and who believe President Gorbachov is not moving fast enough to dismantle the old system .
21 This would also be the position of conservatives such as Leonard ( whom we have considered ) 2 who believe masculinity and femininity to be built into God 's ordering of reality .
22 Such matters become safely and clinically bracketed away into the equation : knowledge = understanding of religious people ( who believe x , y , or z ) .
23 The parole reforms will please the judges who believe time served should more closely reflect sentence given .
24 Boeing paid for it all , and perhaps it would be well for the more cynically-minded who believe aircraft manufacturers are only in the business to make money to remember that Boeing had no legal obligation to contribute a single penny .
25 It is secure with working-class pensioners who believe Labour will protect them .
26 It is no accident that people who are driven to climb corporate ladders have parents who believe ladder climbing is important .
27 That is the grim prediction of former United boss Tommy Docherty who believes Ferguson has scored a spectacular own goal by allowing Robins to leave Old Trafford .
28 Someone who believes that abortion is murder will think that the checkerboard abortion statute produces more injustice than outright prohibition and less than outright license ; someone who believes women have a right to abortion reverses these judgments .
29 John Major , who believes £150 billion of extra world trade hangs on a GATT deal , is anxious for an agreement to take to the forthcoming Edinburgh Euro summit .
30 Mrs Aquino , who believes Mr Marcos ordered the 1983 murder of her husband , Benigno , says the homecoming can go ahead as long as the coffin is flown direct to Laoag in the heart of the Marcos fiefdom in North Luzon province .
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