Example sentences of "who goes [adv] " in BNC.

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1 Who goes up and who goes down in the rugby union leagues has still to be sorted out too …
2 The issue is so delicately balanced that goal difference could even decide who goes up .
3 ‘ We may be out of the running but we can still have a big say in who goes through to the United States , ’ said Hughes .
4 And judges Sir John Harvey-Jones and foot writer Jocelyn Dimbleby with presenter Loyd Grossman have to choose the winner who goes through to the final ‘ cook-off ’ in July .
5 ‘ In France they have a Minister For Rock who goes round and investigates the need for venues and rehearsal space , ’ says Salli .
6 J.B. Because Father Curtis was there and I thought you know he wo n't want some married woman who goes round not wearing a wedding ring in charge of all these kids will he ?
7 Get rid of Norman for a start ; you ca n't have a chancellor who goes round telling the voters ‘ Je ne regrette rien ’ , when lots of them have lost their jobs and their homes because of what he does n't regret .
8 Erm and our marketing executive who goes round signing the surgery up leaves a certain amount of information er and particularly these erm a sheet si similar to this with er we ask the practice to sit down and compile a list of businesses .
9 that Paula right and er , oh you never guess who goes round with Lynsey ,
10 that Paula right and er , oh you never guess who goes round with Lynsey ,
11 And , I said surely you have somebody who goes round and checks them before they 're let ?
12 The more sociological aspects of leisure and rural amenity have been overlooked in favour of the purely physical aspects of recreational planning or a mere headcount of who goes where , when and for how long .
13 Who Goes Where ?
14 They saw him also as a trail-blazer , someone who goes ahead of others and prepares the way .
15 Basically these problems attend many surgical operations , and the question resolves itself into whether the transsexual should be allowed to consent ; whether , in other words , the state has an interest in striking out such consent , and thereby rendering the surgeon who goes ahead liable in tort , on the ground that he can not rely on such consent .
16 But something about him had fastened itself to her memory , and she found herself saying to a bartender the night after , ‘ Do you know a boy , about fifteen or sixteen , a legit , who goes around with a large black dog ? ’
17 Then I 'm the sort of person who goes around picking up Jaguars that do n't belong to him .
18 This is quoted and endorsed by Meyers ( Homosexuality and Literature , 148 ) , who goes on to describe Lawrence 's Aaron 's Rod as possessing many components of ‘ a homosexual novel ’ including ‘ an intense hatred and fear of women , who are characterised in two male gatherings as threatening , frightening and repulsive ’ , and ‘ a symbolically castrated hero who is afraid to let himself go in heterosexual love and runs away from his three women ’ ( p. 154 ) .
19 This point is supported by Johnson , who goes on to demonstrate that , as a result , Chilean industrialists have not developed their own independent ideology and value system .
20 The lesson of the Square One Principle is this : the person who has the courage to go back when necessary is the one who goes on in the end .
21 For the searcher who goes on and comes to believe , this is the only possible starting point — a sense of need which may range from a mild discomfort to a deep conviction , but which spurs him to look for a solution beyond himself .
22 They use the 80860 as a vector processor for complementary co-operative processing , explains Parsys 's commercial director Ian Coburn , who goes on to stress that the company has no plans to use the Intel processor as a replacement for the delayed T9000 .
23 I appreciate that the number of cases in which the taker and driver away is not the driver who goes on to cause personal injury or damage will be comparatively few , but I ask my right hon. Friend whether it is necessary to make such a draconian change in the traditional principles of British law , or to do it by reversing the normal burden of proof .
24 This sense of loyalty still remains in the figure of Sir Bedivere who goes on to ‘ fling Excalibur ’ back to the lake ; a task of great difficulty because of the sword 's ‘ worthy note ’ and ‘ the wonder of its hilt ’ which entranced him .
25 The winners of the best gross trophy then decide , either by mutual agreement or by a play-off , on the player who goes on to the national championships .
26 Er , one who goes on ?
27 Lord Haw-Haw , the British traitor who goes here by the name of Froelich , but whose real name is William Joyce and whose voice millions of English listen to on the radio every night , and his English wife were at the party , but I avoided them . ’
28 For anyone who goes out to work or has to leave home early during the week the garden is a weekends-only pleasure for almost half of the year .
29 Mr Anderson has been using the case to support his argument for a change in the law to allow suppliers to recover goods supplied to a customer who goes out of business before paying for them .
30 The wife and mother who goes out of the home to earn a wage , to escape being totally dependent on a man , being isolated in the home , and the penny-pinching that trying to make one wage feed the family involves , takes a second job .
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