Example sentences of "so hard as " in BNC.

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1 They had worked so hard as children in the fields that each field and tree had become a dear presence , especially the hedges .
2 The day had been hot ; in fact , the previous week had been very hot and so the roads and streets were paved with ridged flags of mud , hardbaked , but not so hard as to prevent their surfaces being skimmed off into dust which , in some streets of the town , seemed to be floating waist high like a mist rising from water .
3 ‘ The quads were great fun but not so hard as the crosscountry skiing we did .
4 You work so hard as my farm manager that I want you to have a larger share of the profits .
5 Matey might not work so hard as McAllister did , or perform such menial tasks , like scrubbing the kitchen floor and whitening the front doorstep — which was next on McAllister 's list of duties — but she did her share and was never idle , even in her spare time — hence her membership of the ladies ' sewing circle and her encouragement of her housemaid , McAllister , to accompany her to it .
6 ‘ I am very far from saying that in every case in which a child is proving difficult to manage , a parent is entitled to strike the child so hard as to cause injuries of the kind in this case .
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