Example sentences of "so difficult that " in BNC.

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1 But there is no question so difficult that Mr Kinnock can not think of a more difficult answer .
2 If the parents of a mentally handicapped child immediately reject the child on realising that it is handicapped , or find that life with the child is so difficult that they feel unable to cope , it falls upon the state to find an alternative place of residence , in particular on local authorities .
3 To find the right models was proving so difficult that Survage suggested that he should paint landscapes .
4 The terrain was so difficult that for part of the journey three locomotives were needed to pull one train .
5 It had become so difficult that we needed to help each other make it ; everyone who made it to Australia would win a trophy .
6 Achieving the latter is so difficult that attempts to put corporations and their officials down the hole they belong in are often stymied .
7 But measuring banking capacity is so difficult that nobody really knows whether an excess exists
8 Bringing up supplies over long distances through dense woodland in King William 's War ( as the struggle of the 1690s known in England and Europe as the War of the League of Augsburg became known in America ) was so difficult that launching an attack was more a matter of logistics than of strategy .
9 A system where the user presses a series of buttons without thought and gets exactly what he needs ( rather than what he at that stage thinks he wants ) is efficient but not entirely educational , any more than one so difficult that the user could only throw himself at the mercy of the person sitting at the reader 's adviser desk .
10 In addition to being the party representing the interests of wealthier people , Mrs Thatcher 's Conservative governments of the 1980s argued that the UK 's competitive position was so difficult that the interests of production had to come firmly before redistribution .
11 And they quote epistles of St. Paul so difficult that the theologians , who have been working on them for two thousand years , have not got to the bottom of them .
12 Where it is not forced there could be a competitive advantage in making a decision that is so difficult that other people would not be prepared to make it .
13 But he was so close , his other hand pulling her hard against his naked chest , his face so near to her own that it was difficult for her to breathe — so difficult that she had to open her mouth to draw in air only to find that he 'd taken advantage of the opportunity to deepen his kiss into one of familiarity .
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