Example sentences of "so build [adv prt] " in BNC.

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1 A good catalogue , therefore , makes life easy for its user , and so builds up the supplier 's reputation .
2 Although the rules only allow the purchase of one new free-standing AVC policy a year , it is possible to purchase a different policy every year , so building up a spread of investments .
3 Clearly such references are not merely longwinded substitutes for a name : they draw attention now to this , now to that aspect of the same person , and so build up a many-sided picture of each character .
4 They presumably become familiar with all the small local anomalies and so build up a much more detailed magnetic map of the area they live in .
5 When he told them that the Government could have used more oil at the power stations this summer and so built up coal stocks for the winter against a possible strike , but had n't , they merely retorted , ‘ More fool you ’ and thanked him for letting them know how strong their position was .
6 The claims so built up the expectations for ZETA after the first conference that the subsequent news was perceived as ‘ failure ’ .
7 I did n't know , thought it had been so built up .
8 One way round this problem that has been suggested is to complement our village-centred studies of micro-process with studies of institutional or bureaucratic micro-process ; to do , for example , ethnographies of the planners as well as the planned , and so to build up a composite picture of the social realities of people in different social niches .
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