Example sentences of "so caught [adv prt] " in BNC.

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1 I was so caught up in what I was seeing that it was only when I reached the top of the close where they lived that I started to think again about what I was doing there , and it was then that my feelings of fear started .
2 Indeed , he is at his most virulent when attacking his fellow-poets , so caught up is he in the seriousness of the poetic task .
3 Often , too , husband and wife have become so caught up in their work , their children or their respective outside interests that they devote less time to each other .
4 She had been so caught up in her memories that she had n't heard him approaching .
5 As participants , we often do not understand what is going on in the interchange , so caught up are we with our own agendas .
6 Do n't get so caught up in this fantasy that you miss all the opportunities the real world has to offer .
7 I was so caught up in my plurals or situations in hardship that I did n't notice that the subject in more senses than one is a singular lack , and the verb should be is and not are , therefore I must ask the indulgence of the general assembly to change the verb .
8 They were both so caught up in developments at Crystal Springs that it was sometimes hard for Christina to recall that Stephen still had a stake in a totally separate business empire in England — one that Robert seemed to be finding increasingly hard to administer in his partner 's prolonged absence , though Stephen still kept a very firm grip on English events from Barbados .
9 But at the moment I 'm so caught up with our construction problems I do n't see myself having the time for months ahead .
10 He had been so caught up in his thoughts he not heard the T'ang enter .
11 There was a seriously dangerous note in his voice now , Cassie thought , so caught up in the play that she hardly realized that she was part of the script and it was she whom Johnny was talking about .
12 She 'd been so caught up in her thoughts that the voice near her side came as a shock , but even as she turned she realised the words had n't been aimed at her .
13 She was so caught up in her own feelings that she failed to detect the danger in the question .
14 Key members accused the MPs of being so caught up in the technical arguments and the prospect of winning one concession from the Government after a barren frustrating decade that they lost sight of the big picture .
15 That seems to me to be a very moving description of somebody who is preaching to people , not from any sense of superiority , but rather from a sense of human concern and caring about the people that she is addressing , and this makes the way in which George Eliot writes about her very different from the way in which other methodist preachers have been described either as ranters , erm or as people who are so caught up in what they are saying themselves that the fail to make any pay any attention to the people that they are addressing .
16 Well it 's impossible at the moment , with the media coverage and the erm information about war and the situation in the Gulf , not to touch children , however careful the adults around them may be , and it 's very important for us as adults to not be so caught up , in our excitement perhaps even , about what 's going on and all the razzmatazz that may be attached to the sort of glory of whose ever side they may be on that we forget the extent to which children are very much affected by how they see the adults around them respond to what 's going on .
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