Example sentences of "so far to " in BNC.

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1 RIGA ( Reuter ) — Latvia 's mass Popular Front movement yesterday approved an ambitious plan for independent statehood in the biggest challenge so far to Moscow from the restive Baltic republics .
2 Chris Waddle 's club , who this week took their spending for the season so far to £14 million by signing the Nantes player Didier Deschamps , have signed agreements with four players which give them priority should they wish to sign any of them .
3 Observers , using all the instruments , presented highlights of their results so far to the AAAS meeting .
4 And she has entrusted the musical Midases who have turned all she has touched so far to gold with the job of making her a new Garland .
5 This powerful technique has been limited so far to molecules that can be excited by CO 2 lasers , which have limited tunability .
6 Resistance , other than to the organocholorines , is confined so far to only five important malaria vectors so the potential for chemical control still exists in many parts of the world It is very easy to advocate the use of alternatives to these chemicals but if you examine those for vector control in detail you will find that most are directed against the aquatic stages of the mosquito and few cases of adequate malaria control by such an attack on any significant scale can be cited .
7 But one of the ironies of life in the border districts was that it also produced Poles who became more German the more nearly they were incorporated into the Polish state , and Poles and Jews whose political opinions were so far to the right that only their ethnic , religious or national identity stood between them and the Nazi Party .
8 MSP 's politics have been shoved so far to the fore ( presumably to mop up any stray prejudice to their musical influences ) their very real talent for balls-out rock'n'roll has been largely ignored .
9 It is rather strange that so little attention has been given so far to the mechanical properties of biological materials , though perhaps in human terms it is understandable .
10 Although they had been unable so far to be sure whether or not either neutrons or gamma rays were being emitted from the cell , if fusion was indeed occurring then there should be evidence within the cathode — helium or tritium should be present , though in very small quantities .
11 This bid for greater accessibility only extends so far to mainstream and international subjects — many of the most interesting studies on medieval art are by German authors , and these are published in German only .
12 In 1627 a settlement was made on Barbados , which had two additional attractions : it was uninhabited , so the dangers of warfare with the Caribs did not arise , and it was so far to the east of the island chain that it was even better protected by the trade winds than any of the other islands .
13 Meanwhile , BSDI 's only reaction so far to our story last week is to claim Bill Jolitz was a founder of BSDI .
14 Well , there 's been no response so far to the appeal in the French press for Madame V to come forward .
15 Loyalty to him , Richard knew , meant that she had never complained so far to anyone but himself about this business of living , instead of in a nice house , in a boat in the middle of London .
16 Folly was beginning to wish she had never mentioned that she was seeing Luke , but her straightforward nature made it difficult to conceal something that was so far to the forefront of her mind .
17 The number of photographs taken of ‘ Carlisle ’ and ‘ No 1 ’ so far to hand are 23 of ‘ Carlisle ’ and 15 of ‘ No 1 ’ .
18 In the light of what surely must be a changed forecast , will the right hon. Gentleman review his hostility so far to careful public expenditure designed to create infrastructure improvements for the future and to get the economy moving ?
19 Although there has been a good response so far to the environmental technology innovation scheme , there are no plans to increase the current allocation of £12 million .
20 Why , in Oxford , has it been left so far to the police , the voluntary sector and private sponsorship to try to cobble together a scheme ?
21 In its $289,000 million bill the Senate dealt its most severe blow so far to the beleaguered 1983 Strategic Defence Initiative ( SDI ) .
22 A further 6,000 soldiers from Nigeria 's army were demobbed at the end of June , bringing the total reduction so far to 15,000 .
23 Zakrevskii 's political opinions were so far to the right that he thought the Moscow Slavophiles were dangerous subversives ; his antipathy to modernization led him to deplore not only the construction of new factories in Moscow but also the expansion of old ones .
24 The figures also show that a further seventeen AIDS deaths were reported last month , bringing the total for the year so far to three hundred and one .
25 It is the West 's firmest commitment so far to helping clean up environmental damage in the East but also its clearest statement yet that it is not willing or able to pay for the process .
26 I guess I owe everything I 've achieved so far to him ! ’
27 As he 's schools minister , we 've been scanning Mr Michael Fallon 's press releases for spelling mistakes so far to no avail .
28 This week the William Webster trust donated £1,000 , bringing the appeal total so far to £115,957 .
29 Well that was kept by fella called and they could get the beer off-licence , although it was n't , it was n't so far to the Old Naked Inn and then there was a pub on the corner of , I ca n't remember the name of that because they 've opened it too young to remember pubs in them days but er , apart from the off-licence there was no actual public inn on Street , there was off-licence , as I say just a few yards down was the Old Naked Inn and there was a pub on the top of just on the side of .
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