Example sentences of "so [adj] else " in BNC.

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31 It was therefore the extreme claims of the clerical right that forced the issue : these claims were incompatible with the minimum demands of the liberal state even when these represented , as in so much else , the continuation of the work of the monarchy .
32 He did his deep-breathing exercises ; evidently , like so much else in his life , ritual ; then smiled at me and jumped back twenty-four hours .
33 No , the Ebony Throne is lost to us , as so much else is lost to us , ’ said Oisin .
34 But a certain failure , distressing to themselves , to be like other people , caused them to sink back , with so much else that drifted or was washed up , into the mud moorings of the great tide-way .
35 Only locally do we seem to have an orogeny at this time , which is confused ( as so much else in stratigraphy ) by nomenclatural anomalies .
36 She knew that the fussy , frilly bridal gown did not suit her but had accepted it , as she had accepted so much else in her life , for her mother 's sake .
37 He 'd lied about so much else , and it was quite clear now why he 'd wanted to know so much about Ryan , where he was , what he 'd done ; he 'd wanted to know how much or how little Ryan had told her so that he did n't make the same mistakes .
38 ‘ Well , like so much else tonight , your timing 's perfect . ’
39 The word ’ privatisation ’ is redefined by Labour as it suits it , as is the case with so much else in the Labour party .
40 How could he ever admit to Maisie that the very thing that had brought them together was , like so much else in his life , a lie ?
41 But I was dreading the French paper to which I had only given the dregs of my time as I had had so much else on my plate .
42 Yeah well why that happened , Oh I think it was just pressure of work you know , she had so much else to do .
43 There had been so much else to do : such as leaving a brief note for Julie , and also contacting her office to explain the problem and that she 'd be in touch with them as soon as possible .
44 Fabia drove down to Dover unhappily , not liking herself very much that , instead of being co-operative when Cara had so much else to worry her , she had been a shade obstructive .
45 But there was so much else to see that , as time flew by , it was no surprise to her that , having been thoroughly absorbed , she had forgotten entirely such necessities as eating , until Ven good-humouredly mentioned , ‘ Since I did n't wish to intrude on your pleasure to suggest a coffee-break , will you permit me , at ten past one , to suggest we have a break for lunch ? ’
46 With so much else to concern them , and with such a big lead over Aberdeen , this is one game where Rangers may be satisfied with a point .
47 you know , for a few days like that , I mean th it , it , I al almost shudder at the thought because there 's so much else I would , you know , prefer to do with five hundred pounds .
48 It was the back of a postcard and it 's like so much else of this Government 's policy .
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