Example sentences of "were laid out " in BNC.

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1 They were laid out in the formal style 300 years ago by James II 's gardener , Guillaume Beaumont .
2 Apples of many shades of yellow and red , brown and gold were laid out on yellowed newspaper , line after line , row upon row , on broad slatted shelves .
3 The magnificent wings were laid out at full stretch , as though the swan were in flight , and the head rested with a perfect profile uppermost , above the frozen curve of the neck .
4 But it is very lately that the truly magnificent taste in gardening has flourished in these northern parts of Europe , for although in King Charles the Second 's reign there was great spirit amongst the nobility and gentry of England for planting and gardening , which spirit was greatly heighten 'd in King William 's reign , during which time most of the large gardens of England were laid out and planted , yet we find the taste at that time extended little farther than to small pieces of box-wood , finish 'd parterres and clipp 'd greens , all of which are now generally banished out of the gardens of the most polite persons of this age , who justly prefer the more extended rural designs of gardens which approach the nearest to nature .
5 The public gardens beside the palazzo were laid out in 1784 by Giuseppe Piermarini who started by uniting the gardens and orchards of several monasteries .
6 The gardens are the earliest example of Italian design in Bohemia and were laid out in 1534 by Giovanni Spazio for Ferdinand I. They were enlarged and altered by Jan Vredeman de Vries in 1563 and , following the vagaries of fashion , were transformed into French Baroque style in 1730 .
7 These gardens were laid out by J. Braul and Josef Thomayer , the most important gardeners in 19C Czechoslovakia .
8 By the time Richard and Murray were called to the headmaster 's study a sheaf of publications headlining the incident were laid out on the large drum table .
9 Indeed they often constituted the source of their communities when new villages were laid out by the railway companies beside them .
10 They had to carry a table out with them , which was set up the required ten metres from the shed wall , and the pistols were laid out , and the targets pinned up .
11 A Government commission was set up and a new and clean water supply and sewerage system installed , whilst new cemeteries were laid out just outside the City and burials in the old churchyards forbidden .
12 Wolverton already had a flow system for carriage building in operation ; the works were laid out by Park for this , as the plans show .
13 How the leys were laid out .
14 Such criticism was premature , as it is now clear that in many parts of the world long dead-straight trackways were laid out and , in several cases , are still used .
15 Most churches were laid out on the basis of equilateral triangles and squares , the so-called ‘ ad triangulum ’ and ‘ ad quodraturn ’ methods .
16 He thought that these were all ‘ lines of electrical equipotential ’ resulting from ‘ geophysical anomalies ’ and that ancient monuments , roads and boundaries coincided with them because they were laid out by a priesthood who could detect the lines .
17 Maltwood believed that the figures were laid out in prehistoric times as a form of temple or sanctuary , using the natural forms of the landscape with a minimum of artificial alteration .
18 The rows and rows of containers , stacked three , four and five high , were laid out in neat uniformity , forming a maze of passageways .
19 The grounds were laid out in 1787 .
20 The victims were laid out in the churches to be claimed by relatives , many , reportedly , still showing a spark of life which was ignored in the general rush to clear up .
21 The gardens were laid out in the eighteenth century by a French landscape gardener for the then owner and founder , the first Conde de Carvalhal .
22 The words were laid out in a strange manner .
23 His boots were laid out on a newspaper , and had been scraped and polished .
24 Instructions were laid out in some detail .
25 We children had a table to one side to ourselves on which were laid out bottles of pop , cakes , buns and bread and jam .
26 Trestle tables were laid out with plates of ham , prawns and tidbits .
27 The bodies of many of the 167 who died — 37 of them Britons — were laid out in a makeshift mortuary at an army barracks near Katmandu .
28 When David gave the all clear the paragliders were laid out on the hillside forming splashes of startling colour on the green backdrop .
29 The Saturday morning market in the yard was taken from the pattern of the street market , where the clothes were laid out in heaps on the ground with a decent garment on the top of each pile to tempt the passer-by to look further .
30 The Knossian roads were laid out in straight sections , but without any overall geometric plan .
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