Example sentences of "n't see [pos pn] " in BNC.

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1 He could n't see their faces .
2 She could n't see their features , because they wore facemasks and goggles — not without reason , for when they tipped the ladles to pour , white-hot metal splashed like pancake batter and sparks flew through the air .
3 If I do n't see their names in the overnight declarations on Friday afternoon , I 'll be on the blower to the News of the World before you can say ‘ flagellation ’ , right ?
4 Several victims were so afraid they would n't see their loved ones again they set fire to their pubic hair .
5 I do n't see their relevance in our circumstances .
6 Fathers do n't have the sole authority in the home and mothers do n't see their role as servants to men .
7 He said , ‘ Remember the peasant dance where they came out in the long , hooped skirts and you ca n't see their feet ?
8 They did n't see their prewar friends again and did n't replace them , it was hard to know why .
9 Our chaps ca n't see their chaps , but their chaps ca n't see ours .
10 He does n't see their soft Vandykes
11 I mean you ca n't see their face
12 Most of the company wives do n't see their husbands for about sixty five per cent of the year , which is actually a very long time when you 're living in these sort of conditions .
13 Often at this time of day , when he felt the day 's journey should be ending or reaching a destination , but knowing that it was not , knowing that what he was looking for probably happened after everybody else had gone home , he wished that he could end his days walking at the edge of a sea or a lake so big that you could n't see its other shore .
14 Children learn it by rote to pass examinations , and they do n't see its relevance to the world around them .
15 She kept her eyes downcast so that he would n't see its telltale signs , and sullenly dressed while he continued to pace up and down , probably trying to release some energy .
16 At one point I felt as if I was drifting slowly across a huge , vivid moviescreen , so large I could n't see its edges .
17 Downstairs you could n't see her hair because it was all screwed up in a knot .
18 She looked away so that Trent would n't see her misery : ‘ He told me not to tell anyone . ’
19 I could n't see her face but I knew she was older than I was .
20 The pianist was complaining about the sunbeam which was falling across her face so that she could n't see her music .
21 I could n't see her face very clearly now , but could sense how she 'd withdrawn from me .
22 Although I could n't see her face properly , her tongue was painting my image by numbers .
23 He did n't see her face .
24 They had reached the grave , and Ace obediently turned to face the crowd , so that they could n't see her freed hands , which had previously been hidden by Petion 's body .
25 But Camille had turned back to her toenails and could n't see her mother 's face .
26 If it was Memet , she would prefer to greet him out here in the dusk , in darkness just burnished with the overspill glow from the street lamps , where he could n't see her face .
27 Cassie could n't see her eyes , but she was sure that they would be almond shaped and green , to go with the sexy red hair and double-cream complexion .
28 Not a black day when she would n't see her father at all , but not a yellow day like Sunday , when , unless on call , he might be there most of the time .
29 She was lying almost abeam of us , and at first I could n't see her hull , but only a sort of thickening of the mist that turned out to be her mast .
30 ‘ They 're lovely , Rob , ’ she murmured , moving away so that he should n't see her weakness , and forcing herself to say , ‘ Luke told me that the party was a huge success .
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