Example sentences of "n't [vb infin] to come " in BNC.

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1 ‘ If you do n't want to come up there with the bases loaded , hang ‘ em up .
2 ‘ I know , but we did n't want to come here . ’
3 God forbid , when I PMT you would n't want to come near me .
4 A male employee said , ‘ I think there 's a lot of drop out for ladies , they go off and have children and then they do n't want to come back .
5 Grumbles gathered from parents at the school gate , from the child that does n't want to come to school or from teachers blowing off steam in the staff room will , if properly used , help in the forestalling of trouble and give indications about ways in which the school can be improved .
6 ‘ The only reason I do n't punch you , ’ I said , ‘ is that I do n't want to come down to your level . ’
7 I want to come home , Cal , and I do n't want to come home , and …
8 ‘ We went to The Crown — Dominic and I , that is ; Meryl did n't want to come — and played darts in the saloon bar .
9 She did n't want to come on air .
10 ‘ They wo n't want to come here and get whacked again , so we have to be ready , ’ said Souness .
11 The aim is to have about three suits per series — I certainly do n't want to come prancing on every week in something different , but neither do I want people to groan when they see me in the same old suit .
12 Debbie had said she did n't want to come back to the States .
13 ‘ I 'll be honest with you , I did n't want to come but I 've got no choice . ’
14 ‘ But you did n't want to come ? ’
15 Unfortunately with got to get some of those people who do n't want to come and it 's all about bums on seats it 's the old old saying bums on seats we 've got to get an answer how we do n't get to these here at the moment in the audience whether they are people who want to get bums on seats or how they know how to do it perhaps they should have a meeting like this every month I 've never seen so many of .
16 I do n't want to come though .
17 ‘ You do n't want to come with old Nanny . ’
18 You 've got to get your casualty from the cause , but make sure it 's safe for you , now if it is a , a place where you 've got to get your casualty out and you have n't got a lifeline and I must express this really that there must be two of you and if you are going in you only go in if you think it is safe to go in and you must have a line attached to you and there 's somebody outside , so that if you do get erm overcome by fumes or whatever , they can pull you out , you are safe , they 'll see to you , if there is no hope , you do n't try to be the hero , what you do is go and make a phone call and get the professionals in , because they do n't want to come along and have to deal with two casualties , when there 's only one .
19 I did n't want to come back .
20 ‘ I do n't want to come with you now . ’
21 ‘ I really did n't want to come here ; I 've had some awful experiences in the Caribbean . ’
22 After all the tubes had gone my family came to see her , before that they did n't want to come and see her .
23 ROS : We do n't want to come back .
24 I did n't want to come back to Stapleford , so I st because they were very offended because I left .
25 We we wanted somewhere round the area , or Valley , but we did n't want to come to the flats , no way .
26 And then I came here which was quite amazing because I did n't want to come here I wanted to be er like James Herriott and go somewhere really rural
27 He said , ‘ Are you sure you do n't want to come with me ? ’
28 ‘ As soon as I mentioned walking boots I knew you would n't want to come .
29 ‘ As it was such a waste of time , you presumably wo n't want to come , ’ Mum had said , trying to keep her face straight .
30 You know I mean I did n't want to come today .
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