Example sentences of "we have to wait " in BNC.

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1 ‘ This declaration is not a blind bit of good to the workers who have to take over the jobs of those who have emigrated , ’ and ‘ Why do we have to wait till the next central committee meeting ? ’ were other grumbles .
2 How much longer do we have to wait ?
3 Or , to put it another way , how long would we have to wait before random chemical events on the planet , random thermal jostling of atoms and molecules , resulted in a self-replicating molecule ?
4 ‘ How long do we have to wait ?
5 Will he beef up the public consultation procedures which his Department are currently casting aside like autumn leaves shrivelling on the ground , or do we have to wait for a Labour Government in the full flush of a green spring and summer to bring sense back into our planning system ?
6 Will he now change his mind or shall we have to wait for the people to do that for him ?
7 Will we have to wait for a Labour Government before positive action is taken ?
8 Why do we have to wait until 1993 before the poll tax is abolished ?
9 How many more years shall we have to wait before we have as up and running and as efficient a marketing system for British products as they have in France , Holland and Denmark ?
10 Lakeside resident Denton Bell said : ‘ Will we have to wait for somebody to die or for a building to burn down before something is done ? ’
11 How long will we have to wait before you actually start to see it as a woodland roughly ?
12 To find out who was correct , we had to wait until the following morning and our debriefing with the major .
13 So , no sooner did the record go into the charts and we were going ‘ yeah , this is it — hooray — we 're taking off ’ , they dropped the record and we had to wait for the guys to come back to earth .
14 Soviet policy with regard to Eastern Europe was sloganised as ‘ development in groups ’ , as though we had to wait for Mongolia to catch up before we could be allowed to develop .
15 Peter Jacobsen took great delight in tackling him , but we had to wait while it was going on .
16 We had to wait for an hour for our connection to Frankfurt .
17 Elizabeth I , whose delicate long fingers feature so prominently in her portraits , started a fashion for lily-white skin , but we had to wait until the 1880s for the advent of polished nails in Britain .
18 For some reason which escapes me we had to take a taxi , and when we arrived at Helsinki airport we had to wait five hours for our flight .
19 But all the local ambulances were busy and we had to wait for one to come from Richmond , which is many miles away .
20 Perhaps it 's telling that a similar process of self-siphoning is also afflicting Hollywood , for no other song-writer is as steeped in cinema as Springsteen ( it is surprising that we had to wait until Indian Runner for a film to be made of one of his songs ) .
21 We had to wait for some months in order to get a passage and finally set oft on my birthday in January .
22 We had to wait for some days until a convoy of ships was ready .
23 From there we went in a funny little train with open trucks which fascinated Tim , until we got to a railway junction where we had to wait on the station for some hours for another train to take us to Calcutta .
24 Daniel , who spent £75 on new games and equipment , added : ‘ We had to wait for ages but it was worth it . ’
25 1976 , it may be remembered , was the year of the great drought , and we had to wait a frustrating three months until there was rain in sufficient quantity and enough water in the river to try it out .
26 Klaasen 's contention that ‘ the only integration that has gone on so far has been among the top officials ’ seemed to be borne out by the fact that we had to wait for the penultimate game of the tours to seen the first nonwhite player take the field .
27 She unhooked her cloak collar as we had to wait at the outer door of Marcus whilst two porters wheeled out an empty accident trolley .
28 We had to wait before crossing the road .
29 We had to wait for all three of them to finish before getting it back .
30 As we were leaving the theatre , we had to wait for Dad to shake hands in the foyer with some dignitaries .
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