Example sentences of "we find [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 There , with names like Reichensteiner , Huxelrube , Faber and Bacchus , we find grapes better suited to our growing conditions .
2 In this , we find sections on call to worship ; confession ; praise ; reading of scripture and preaching of the word ; response to the word ; communion ; blessing .
3 In the case of the mid-seventeenth century we find groups of current historians who share social and frequently explicit political assumptions identifying themselves with right and left , and often implicitly acknowledging that their own political agendas dictate not only their naming of the past but their unhappiness with opposing critical orientations .
4 In Wordsworth 's poetry we find adults ‘ learning ’ from children , and in the Immortality Ode the child is addressed as
5 In any society , we find beliefs about language that are simply accepted as common sense .
6 But if we look at just One part of that story in detail , we find complications .
7 We find customers prefer to sit down at individual desks and discuss their requirements . ’
8 Around Ashton-under-Lyne , for example , where it was reckoned there were nearly a hundred cotton mills within a ten-mile radius — all on the river Tame or its tributaries — we find hamlets in the 1790s with the significant names of Boston , Charlestown and Botany Bay .
9 If we find changes in protein synthesis , say , in a correlative experiment , how can we be sure that such changed synthesis is not the consequence of these expressed behaviours rather than the learning which we presume accompanies them ?
10 The chief mark of that period was a new confidence in the power of reason , as opposed to acceptance of authority , to discover truth : we find things out , not simply by believing what someone else tells us , but by considering the evidence , reflecting upon it , and accepting what can ‘ prove itself at the bar of reason ’ .
11 We find things that we study yes .
12 Sometimes we find things like the Moan Lisa , which have been denigrated and used in lots of different ways , but some people when they see it are still overpowered by the beauty of the object .
13 Since Pegasus was head of the Proculian school after Nerva , but Valens was later than both , we can not extract from the evidence a pattern based on chronology ; nor , since we find members of the same school on opposite sides , does it seem to be a matter of school dogma .
14 Again we find gaps in the fortunes of the Palace as on the death of Haymo the buildings in all his manors were decaying for want of repair , and our next mention of the Palace is in 1359 , when the Manor of Halling with its hamlet is mentioned as being taxed at £38 10 8d .
15 We find scenes in which two characters on an equal footing move back and forth between Thou and You according to mood ( Hal and Falstaff ) ; others where both characters use Thou , one expressing affection , the other hostility ( Richard III wooing Lady Anne ) ; others where the shift from You to Thou expresses a crucial shift of intimacy ( Goneril to Edmund ) or acceptance ( Brabantio to Roderigo ) .
16 During the intervening 1,500 years , even in the periods of least philosophical activity , we find Confucians debating whether human nature is good , or bad , or mixed , or neutral , or good in some and bad in others .
17 Turning to the third category , of strokes that serve to separate clearly a single note from a group of slurred notes that either precede or follow , we could call them ‘ separation strokes ’ We find strokes in such patterns as shown in ex.3a so overwhelmingly , that we can identify sporadic dots as shrunken strokes .
18 Sometimes we find problems of durability ; on other occasions manufacturers listen to our ideas and actively make changes in their products .
19 Moving on to consider the category of conjonctures , we find problems parallel to those we have discussed occurring in , if anything , an exacerbated form .
20 As we progress up the scale of profit-taking , we find others who sell at small craft fairs and those who find an outlet through local shops , until we come at last to the favoured few who sell at the prestigious crafts fairs which Hugh prefers .
21 Today we are seeing a system in decay , but surprisingly often we find stretches of road and track coinciding with the old alignments .
22 But now we find scientists delivering only ‘ soft ’ , uncertain ‘ facts ’ to decision-makers facing ‘ hard ’ decisions . ’
23 In general , we find paths from J to 1 and I to 1 and then look for the first node k at which the paths meet ( k = 9 in the example ) .
24 This is no doubt why we find employers from now on not only buying machines more readily , but also setting women to work on them , a combination which aroused the union to sudden awareness of the threat .
25 Mary Alston , arguing the case for a pay rise , pointed out in a speech as early as 1922 that It may be that prior to 1914 , women were employed in book composing only , but we must not forget the introduction of monotypes diverted hand labour to other channels correcting , making up and so forth , and in every large office today , not to speak of the small ones , we find women compositors setting , making up , doing author 's corrections and in some offices making ready for machine .
26 We know that its facade had eight columns , and we find coins showing any number from two to eight , but never more .
27 In this range of senses , we find forms of association of artists which have continued to be important .
28 In 1798 , then , at the conclusion of Tintern Abbey , we find phrases indicative of the future — ‘ blessings ’ , ‘ zeal of holier love ’ , ‘ Shall e'er prevail against us ’ ; in Resolution and Independence ( 1802 ) we hear of ‘ peculiar grace .
29 If we turn to trusts we find Valens stating that if maintenance has been left by trust to freedmen without a sum being stated , then first of all the amounts usually paid by the deceased are to be taken into account , then his bequests to those of the same class , and failing these his assets and intimacy with the beneficiaries are to be considered .
30 If the previous data on substance concentration of free Ca 2 + in gall bladder bile are converted back to active molality we find values in the same range as our values .
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