Example sentences of "we like the " in BNC.

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1 We like the way you organise things , ’ said the man pleasantly .
2 Frequently there is no contact number , so even if we like the music , we ca n't do much about it .
3 We like the idea of stability of policy and time to work on the reduction of pollution at our own pace ’ . ’
4 We like the green landscape , the simple food , the reserved people , and our children do n't wilt in the heat as they would on the Amalfi coast .
5 We like the sea , Señor Capitano . ’
6 Whether we like the idea or not , we have all been ‘ programmed ’ from birth by people and events around us .
7 For example , we like the idea of benign scientific research , as we call it , to counter the whalers who say they will kill whales for science .
8 If we go to an exhibition together we find that we like the same paintings ; so I think it 's that we have an empathy in our way of painting , in the whole attitude to painting .
9 The colours of garments printed in books and magazines probably influence whether we like the garment or not .
10 Nice try , but we like the pic our snapper took of you much better .
11 If they can make it , we like the guests to arrive before the audience starts to go in , so they can walk through it , too .
12 We like the vocals to be both timid and cutting , ’ whimpers Peter .
13 " We like the barge .
14 We like the same kind of woman — the womanly kind .
15 In selecting people for a job we are inclined to go on general appearance , whether we like the person , whether we would like to have him or her working for us .
16 Well , rightly or wrongly we 've come to arrangements with the Liberals , not because we like the Liberals , not because we wanted to , but we , we were fed up with be being in opposition to tell you the truth .
17 The idea is to make it a bring facility at the moment , which is why we like the station centre and the yard behind it , because people tend to drive out that way as they go to Exeter and back .
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