Example sentences of "we feel the " in BNC.

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1 We feel the arrangements will assist in development opportunities , ’ he said .
2 Peter Davis , leader of a delegation from the local Conservative Association , said yesterday : ‘ We feel the racecourse would benefit by being taken out of local authority hands . ’
3 We feel the shock and sadness of unreconciled behaviour that can follow people like that to the grave .
4 We feel the savage assault and the cold breath of the infinite that causes this frost of many colours and the stilling of the images , with its beauty .
5 When we feel the peak experience , it is as if we have struck one note of the human nightingale , but the human song will be very long and very beautiful and few there are that have heard the symphony of their own being .
6 We feel the world owes us .
7 It 's basically that we feel the group has to be thrown into different circumstances if it 's going to be stimulated , if it 's going to change .
8 We are now in that state — We feel the ‘ burden of the Mystery ’ .
9 Chrissie is relatively young and inexperienced , and while she may be a hardened liar and criminal , we feel the balance of the probabilities is that she is telling the truth .
10 It 's just that we feel the human body can take so much and the English season is a long and punishing one as it it .
11 Yet even when they are , we feel the need to justify them ; which is where Rollin resorts to moral theory .
12 But where we feel the greatest pressure is in Cologne 's diminished capacity to launch major exhibitions .
13 In The Secret Sharer , the narrator-reader relationship is objectified by the use of " I " , so that we feel the observer as being a separate identity from ourselves , however much we may be invited to share his vision .
14 It is partly by following the intimations of the negatives that we feel the pressure of his own expectations and of the expectations that Mrs Moreen seems to have with regard to him .
15 Inside , we feel the terror of dusk begin .
16 The Department 's submission should press the Region 's case to be the Unitary Authority for Lothian , even if we feel the Government is against it — they have not proved the Region is inefficient or ineffective and other parties may turn to the Region 's support .
17 Increasingly , we feel the main objective should be to give support where we have a significant local presence — a refinery or chemicals plant , for example .
18 Like Eliot 's sharply witty version of this paradox : The wounded surgeon plies the steel That questions the distempered part ; Beneath the bleeding hands we feel The sharp compassion of the healer 's art Resolving the enigma of the fever chart , the meditator in the short text exclaims : But the force of this metaphor of healing is lost , together with the lyrical cadences of alliteration , in the long version : This existentially known contrast between the body of death through which is encountered the possibility of life is at the heart of Christian mysticism itself experienced in playing the game of faith which renews the truth of the Incarnation .
19 He says we feel the numbers justify the claim that prison is being used in a strategic way against asylum seekers .
20 In the circumstances we feel the police had no alternative but to shoot it .
21 We feel the issue of the form of state and violence can not be discussed after the setting of an election date . ’
22 Angela Kielly , a Lakeside resident , said : ‘ We feel the scheme will increase the volume of traffic and create a danger , especially for children and pensioners . ’
23 We feel the market has bottomed out and the affordability factor is very , very favourable . ’
24 We feel the case for the Albion is unanswerable … does the Government think that if Leyland-DAF goes down that Britain will suddenly stop needing buses , trucks and vans ?
25 We feel the operation has been reasonably successful but the approval of by-laws to control the type , use and number of vehicles on the foreshore must be a long-term priority .
26 We feel the rationalisation of manufacturing and distribution under a single management is overdue because it is the single largest cost centre , ’ said .
27 This is what I call the strategy of non-decision , the decision that we will do nothing , that we wo n't harass the child , that we will give the child time to relax and move at his own pace , rather than determining the pace that we feel the child ought to be following .
28 We feel the need to restore some credibility to our programme , hence the release .
29 Yes it does , yes , which quickly eats up er into a call , I mean we 're not going to put the phone down on anybody because we feel the call is expensive or anything , er we will always wait until the child her , themselves puts the phone down .
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