Example sentences of "we want the " in BNC.

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1 ‘ PR involves voting for the least worst , and we want the best for the country as a whole .
2 Savoury filo recipes next week ; then we want the best recipe for game-bird stuffings .
3 We want the students to understand what we do — that these days engineering is a very sophisticated and hi-tech business which can be both interesting and rewarding .
4 We do n't want to be cardboard cut-outs , we want the museum to be a real , living one .
5 A spokesman said : ‘ We have to attract people on a global basis and we want the best .
6 We choose to use the outer thirds because we want the line to be drawn between two points as far away as possible without being so far out that they risk being unreliable .
7 ‘ If we want the old way of life back we have to vote with our feet and vote now . ’
8 We want the children to have a good time , and may be encouraging them to shout , but this then creates problems if some order needs to be restored because the children are too wound up .
9 It 's an anomaly that a ) we want the parabear to descend safely and not too far distant , while b ) we have to rely on a fair breeze to elevate the lifting kite and carry the droppable load .
10 We want the minimum beds necessary .
11 Then , knowing what we want the group to achieve , set a transfer price that gets each division to decide to operate at the volume we want .
12 Once we know what we want the group to do , we can look at each division separately .
13 When apartheid finally disappears , we want the South Africa that emerges to escape from the ignorance , envy , deprivation and fear .
14 We want the wasps removed from our centre without them being caused suffering . ’
15 Not bad for two blokes whose life story is ‘ We 've been making music as a hobby for eight years , and now we want the money ! ’
16 We want the rights of way network to be improved and modernised by consensus , with more bridleways , more links between rights of way to make circular walks , and links which may also be used to take people out of sensitive areas for forestry and farming .
17 If we want the situation to be as realistic as possible , we have to accept that we can not control all the variables , and can therefore never be sure that the cause and effect relationships we identify are , in fact , correct .
18 Similarly , if we want the food supply to tail off in September , the last application must be spread during June .
19 And tell them we want the action this side of the hill . ’
20 This is , ‘ to assign the work now done at the police station to another agency which has responsibilities and characteristics more consistent with the way we want the work done . ’
21 Now th there 's two things we want the separation distance for , and one of them , as you say , is time to react
22 Yeah we do n't know we want the height .
23 Rather , it is that if we want the benefits of efficient wealth creation it must be acknowledged that companies will inevitably possess power .
24 We want the turnover we want the the input and and then er having succeeded hopefully by year three when we 've er as we 've maintained making a profit we will then look at some of the marginal sales as we would call them to er some of the smaller people .
25 We want the turnover we want the the input and and then er having succeeded hopefully by year three when we 've er as we 've maintained making a profit we will then look at some of the marginal sales as we would call them to er some of the smaller people .
26 Even though we want the judgements of young doctors to be securely based on the evidence , we want to feel that they have not just assiduously acquired the necessary knowledge , but also have immediate first-hand understanding of it in practice , having conducted patient examinations , observed relevant operations , and so forth .
27 We want the Minister to say that sales will not proceed until there is agreement not consultation — among the parties concerned to ensure the success of buy-outs .
28 Then we want the verse twenty two .
29 Boase explained that for twenty years he had made a collection of notes relating to English persons deceased since 1850 , and that in compiling his work he had kept in mind the dictum of James Anthony Froude [ q.v. ] , ‘ we want the biographies of common people ’ , so that many hundreds of the thousands of entries included in his compilation related to persons who had not been eminent but had led interesting lives , accounts of which could not be found in any other book .
30 We want the whole picture .
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