Example sentences of "we must see " in BNC.

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1 We may have our worries about the different future we see opening up before us — it would be odd if we did not — but surely we must see what is happening at the Brandenburg Gate as a European as well as a German triumph .
2 We may have our worries about the different future we see opening up before us — it would be odd if we did not — but surely we must see what is happening at the Brandenburg Gate as a European as well as a German triumph .
3 We must see that more goods are forthcoming to meet the new demand .
4 Lest we settle for limited models of productivity , we must see the cross as the ruling principle of the Christian life , for there can be no true reflection of Christ that does not consist of bearing his cross .
5 It is against this background that we must see the recent withdrawals of a number of analgesics from the market in Britain .
6 We must see you get some decent food or it 'll be a waste of time paying you a wage . ’
7 Whoever wins , we must see change !
8 We must see how this doubt develops and be careful to presuppose only what we know to be true and to commit ourselves consciously to the consequences of these suppositions .
9 It is a slippery customer and will disguise itself in various ways ; we must see through its masks , for beyond the Ego lies our true unlimited Self .
10 This is the background against which we must see the departure of William Charles Titford for London .
11 We must see if there 's a Peterstock . ’
12 Hence Durkheim insisted that to understand one set of social phenomena we must see them in the round — in their wider , social context .
13 And to stimulate their observation we must give them suitable subjects , within their personal experience — and we must see that they get the experience of looking and observing the visual world around them .
14 Before we do that we must see what we can glimpse of what seems to have been another major achievement of the seventh century , the revival of the art of painting .
15 Now we must see Sycorax . ’
16 Striped shirt tapped a gold pencil thoughtfully against his teeth and said that of course one had every respect for someone wishing to take such a stand and that in that case we must see what could be done with the portfolio as it was .
17 We must see all our children as potential learners .
18 We must see him .
19 We must see him . ’
20 One of the other things , of course , we 've got to always bear in mind when we und , try to understand the parables of Jesus is that you can not , and Jesus never meant for us , to find us u our , you know a parallel for every single little detail , the for for the colour of this , or the colour of that , or th the shape of something else , he did n't expect us and did n't mean for us to find out a pa a a parallel , a meaning for every single detail because otherwise you 're gon na be contradicting yourself again and again but what we must see is , what is the main basic truth that Jesus is teaching here ?
21 From being mainly voluntarily established we must see the development of new catalysed organisations meeting specific needs .
22 ‘ And in the medium-term we must see how we can monitor vehicle permits on a more regular basis . ’
23 Secondly she said there must be a change from the habit of dualism to , what she described as interconnectialism We must see a relationship between things .
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