Example sentences of "we should take " in BNC.

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1 But it 's no bad thing — we should take the two way traffic of actors and directors more seriously than we do .
2 Clearly , therefore , we should take heed of these warnings and never enter clouds which are actively electric .
3 ‘ We should show understanding for the fear of our neighbours ; we should take them seriously , ’ Dr Kohl told the West German flag-waving crowd outside the Church of Our Lady , left in ruins by the Anglo-American air raids of February , 1945 .
4 We should take this to refer not only to Bacon 's schemes for collaboration in natural philosophy , schemes actually embodied in the existence of the Royal Society , but also to his very conception of that subject .
5 Nothing is more important than that we should take down the barriers — like National Insurance and pensions — which stand in the way of new employment and job mobility .
6 We should take a more substantial point , though as one grapples one 's way through the forest they are not always easy to identify .
7 We arranged that we should take turns to cook for whomsoever was on the same watch .
8 That we should take a more dispassionate view and consider the long-term effects of Briant 's work .
9 With every breath we should take in half a litre of oxygen , twenty per cent of which goes to the brain .
10 The principal difficulty is that it is quite clear that the texts of the classical jurists have not been left as they were written ; and since it is clear that Justinian was keen on enforcement in all circumstances , it is hard to decide whether we should take all reference to it to be a product of his ardour , or the more extreme cases of public interest to be acceptable classical examples .
11 The same fact was responsible for Dennis 's insistence that we should take to the water .
12 It is an aspect of privacy we should take more seriously ; it may seem a frail distinction to draw when armed police can batter down your front door on suspicion that a wanted person may be inside , but at least it gives the possibility of some redress , and may make it more difficult to achieve the total surveillance of society .
13 ‘ Perhaps we should take the opportunity to grab a bite ourselves , ’ suggested Sergeant Bird with an appealing look .
14 But Barry Ward says we should take a closer look at the East of England .
15 So we 're more than looking forward to reviewing this one , although before we examine it in detail perhaps we should take a quick look at Lowden 's model-numbering system , since with so many different options available , like cutaways , special inlays , different bindings and decoration , it 's sometimes hard to spot which model is which .
16 Perhaps we should take further precautions — or outlive her .
17 We should take as many as we can .
18 We should take a close look at what is being offered here before accepting it too readily .
19 I would like to suggest , with respect to the historic churches , that we should take a lesson from the sects .
20 A further point is that I have been strongly advised that we should take out cover against the need to indemnify owners against not being able to occupy their units due to events such as fire , flood or damage by previous occupants .
21 Maybe we should take them up on it . ’
22 That the South American mammals might have gone extinct in the early Pleistocene as a consequence of competition from the North American invaders has already been noted , though we should take due account of the caveats of Marshall ( 1981 ) .
23 It may be apposite to consider that a corporate stand on under-fives and special needs is now a moral imperative and that we should take seriously the clarion calls of Warnock and the Select Committee , not only because we owe it to children and their families , but also because
24 ‘ I believe we should take the risk seriously , ’ he pronounced .
25 ‘ But we should take it seriously , nonetheless .
26 occurred when the climate was sensitized by a long-term shift from glacial to the current interglacial conditions , but whether we should take comfort from the fact and the past 8,000 years of stability is debatable .
27 In analysing social episodes , ethogenics has suggested that we should take four elements as guidelines .
28 We should take industrial action against any bidder who did not meet a number of conditions relating to employee practices . ’
29 We should take heart from the encouraging stories I have heard recently about the success some retailers have had in selling British cheeses to the French .
30 ‘ It 's the Lord 's will we should take care of the Widows and Orphans , ’ he said .
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