Example sentences of "if [art] firm " in BNC.

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1 There is no need to pay in advance for the work even if you are asked to do so ; you may be in an awkward position if the firm ceases to trade without having completed the job .
2 Many people would lose their jobs if the firm were to go bankrupt ; skills and research would be lost ; for Britain 's largest manufacturer to vanish would be quite a blow .
3 Shareholders , who know they will get peanuts if the firm is wound up , want the firm to keep trading in the hope that it will come good .
4 Previously , a bondholder could swap his old paper for new bonds with the same face value but , say , different rights and terms , without closing his options if the firm later went to chapter 11 .
5 Nor do they intend to underwrite other banks ' loans if the firm goes under ; they say they will take part in rescues , but not as guarantors .
6 If the firm that you work for closes down , it will usually be beyond dispute that you are redundant .
7 If the firm 's tills are connected to a computer , the record of stock levels is automatically adjusted ever , v time a sale is recorded at the till .
8 If the firm 's … are connected to a computer the of stock levels is adjusted automatically .
9 Under the project , the banks lend money in the normal way but the Department of Industry agrees to refund 80 per cent of it if the firm goes bust .
10 This wife stood by her afflicted husband and even expressed fears about what might happen if the firm were to remove him from his electronic friend : ‘ I know it sounds funny , but I 'm afraid that losing that computer may break his heart . ’
11 If the firm wishes to maximise profits , it should produce and sell 70,000 units at a price of £6.50 .
12 If the firm is a public sector firm ( or nationalised industry ) , it may be required to operate in the ‘ public interest ’ and so may attempt to produce as much as possible without making losses .
13 Contrary to first impressions , it may be disadvantageous in these circumstances for firms to have ‘ home country ’ control of conduct of business rules , if the firm is authorised by a member state with a higher standard of regulation than that of the member state where the branch is established .
14 There is no special dispensation for accountants , but if the firm could obtain its own individual dispensation , this would be by far the best solution .
15 If the firm was disappointed by this total , its chairman , Alfred Taubman , received a second blow .
16 Gilkes says he will be happy if the firm can sell between 2,500 and 4,000 of the notebooks in the US by the end of this year , with European business expected to generate between a quarter and a third of the US total .
17 If the firm wishes to stimulate creativity then the compliance rewards are not effective ( indeed , can be counterproductive ) and the job satisfaction rewards of challenge , stretch , autonomy are important .
18 For example , if the firm 's home state and the host state go to war , bargaining with the latter is bound to be gravely affected , as British firms experienced recently in Argentina .
19 The owners consider offering the manager ( suppose like A in figure 3.1 ) , an income of £0 if the firm does badly , £1000 if it does well , " contract 1 " , pocketing the rest themselves .
20 If the firm 's decision criterion is to go ahead if the expected return is 10 per cent , then it should go ahead .
21 The " package " may also involve stock options — rights to buy shares at a specific value exercisable at a future date , the idea being that if the firm does well the shares will be worth far more than the exercise price .
22 If the firm does badly they can leave , but this will necessitate a loss of human capital assuming they have accumulated some firm-specific skills .
23 If the firm does very badly , they may be forced to leave , and again lose out .
24 When I ask if the firm can afford it , he says it can , ‘ because of the size of the company ’ , since it is part of a larger group .
25 If the firm were simply to invest £50,000 on the capital market it would only produce a zero NPV .
26 One unresolved issue is the extent to which price discriminatory practices can be taken as evidence of market dominance , since one view is that the authorities should only be concerned about such practices if the firm has a dominant position .
27 For each firm that is party to the agreement , a ‘ punishment path ’ is formulated , which specifies outputs ( or prices ) for each firm to be adopted if the firm in question deviates from the agreement .
28 At its most basic level , formal structure refers to the physical shape of the organisation the distribution of jobs and lines of command often set out in an organisation chart , if the firm in question has one .
29 If a firm is operating in a good , competitive market then , notwithstanding the problems associated with accounting measurements , profit does give an indication of how well it produced goods : the market was willing to pay more for the finished goods than it cost the firm to produce them , if the firm made a profit .
30 Since the fund is kept strictly separate from the firm 's own assets , employees ' pensions should remain secure even if the firm ceases trading .
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