Example sentences of "has to say about " in BNC.

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1 We have liked him for being into free speech and free love , and for what he has to say about convergences of the two , and about the curbs which revolution and its regimes has placed on them .
2 Wired purports to be about America not just Belushi , but this is trite stuff about decadence in Tinseltown ; what it has to say about the nation is nugatory , unless you count a depressing scene in which an audience collapses in laughter while the Voice of its Generation ( as Bluto in Animal House ) stuffs a sandwich down his pants .
3 ‘ Wired purports to be about America not just Belushi , but this is trite stuff about decadence in Tinseltown ; what it has to say about the nation is nugatory . ’
4 Listen carefully to what he has to say about your hair , and the sort of style he thinks might look good on you .
5 ‘ They break the rules because Bawden cares less for rules than for the things he has to say about the feel of a summer morning , the watery sunshine of an April afternoon , or the flurry of a February snowstorm . ’
6 And see what Mr Harker has to say about it ! ’
7 Whilst I can not within the scope of a short book consider what each religion in turn has to say about God , I can at least take note of the religious pluralism of our time .
8 It must be admitted that a great deal of what Judaeo-Christianity has to say about the ‘ goodness ’ of God is based upon claims about the way in which He involves himself in the historical process .
9 He listens carefully to what the other person has to say about it .
10 The statutory duty to consult a trade union about redundancies is well known , but both employers and those directly affected tend to be less familiar with what the law has to say about the need for consultation with affected individuals .
11 Indeed , he does not seem to be aware that it exists : ‘ All Darwinism has to say about such miracles is that they are due to chance . ’
12 Gandhi 's teaching concerning the symbolic nature of personifications of Truth in a variety of different forms seems on the face of it to correspond to what Tillich has to say about the symbolic nature of Christian terminology .
13 Gandhi acknowledged this and what he has to say about brahmacārya has to be taken as applying in the main to those who are able to accept the discipline involved in resolving to enter the third stage of life .
14 ‘ A disaster , ’ is all Alex has to say about the matter .
15 And yet , all Glenny has to say about the army 's role in the present , Bosnian war is that they are ‘ genuinely confused ’ , ‘ waverers ’ pushed by Muslim and Croat provocations into the clutches of ‘ unashamed Serb nationalists ’ .
16 All Joe has to say about her is : ‘ Although we are divorced we are actually still trying to work things out .
17 But I think I 'll write to that parson 's wife and see what she has to say about it . ’
18 Yes , I agree with everything that Karen O'Neil has to say about Martina , she is the greatest woman tennis player ever .
19 Before investigating further what Lyons has to say about literacy , then , it is important to analyse what he means by ‘ objectivity ’ and what force arguments about it have within his own discipline .
20 Here is what Norman Burtt , for over 30 years the public relations manager at Lever Brothers , has to say about what you need to be a company PR manager : 1Total honesty — with your employers , your staff , your " public " and the media .
21 It is sufficient to say that I agree with what my noble and learned friend , Lord Browne-Wilkinson , has to say about these cases in the speech to be delivered by him , and that in my opinion a person who thus procures the company 's consent dishonestly and with the intention of permanently depriving the company of the money is guilty of theft contrary to section 1(1) of the Act of 1968 .
22 Well er no it 's all right , we we 've got it here now , so let's see what it has to say about it Mrs .
23 In the above example , the rheme is : provided a reasonably accurate system for predicting the positions of heavenly bodies in the sky , which is what the writer has to say about Ptolemy 's model .
24 To some extent , it is also intuitively satisfying to suggest that what one is talking about always comes before what one has to say about it .
25 But you 'll see what Doctor Morris has to say about the place . ’
26 He has written novels and travel books set in Latin America , Africa , the Caribbean , India and Europe ; what he has to say about any country is worth reading .
27 The SSAFA is in close touch with the Department at all times and we listen to what it has to say about problems associated with housing and everything else .
28 Well le let's just hear what er Peter has to say about that .
29 Let me read you two or three verses the bible has to say about blessing , first of all , the verse in the book of Proverbs Proverbs chapter ten , verse twenty two .
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