Example sentences of "has usually been " in BNC.

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1 Pubs of the 1950s occasionally adopted a ‘ contemporary ’ Festival of Britain look , but this was easily fused with Neo-Victorian , and has usually been swamped by later changes .
2 This is an objective inquiry and mainly a matter of assessing the effect of inconsistency or improbability in the evidence , which has usually been exposed by cross-examination .
3 It is interesting that her famous question ‘ Is he one of us ? ’ has usually been asked about fellow-Conservatives .
4 Economics has usually been subordinate to politics , and politics have generally been dominated by localism and authoritarianism , the latter being reflected in a view that ‘ big ’ government was best .
5 In the history of science theoria has usually been accorded far greater importance than praxis .
6 On previous tasks he has usually been on the cordon ringing the incident that the EOD team has been involved with , and cursing them for taking so long .
7 Few strategists would gainsay the primacy of the First Pillar — the defence of the British Isles — upon which the sovereignty of the realm depends ; though , paradoxically , the United Kingdom has usually been so secure behind its sea walls that Home Defence has been accorded the lowest allocation of resources .
8 The significant feature of privatization has been that the transformation has usually been carried out by broadly the same teams that had worked under nationalization .
9 Other medieval settlements have been excavated throughout the country , although far fewer in Wales than in England , but the scope of their excavation has usually been limited both in size and duration .
10 We have already seen that the first question has usually been answered by emphasizing either the primary value of the protection the group gives to individuals from predators or the value of gregariousness in relation to finding food .
11 The kind of assistance that governments have offered has usually been through self-help schemes , the giving out of land titles to the inhabitants or offering loans .
12 Both these elements are needed in an understanding of soil erosion conservation , but hitherto it is only the first which has usually been considered — and only in the first of the three location-specific senses at that .
13 Chancroid , also called soft sore , soft chancre , and ‘ ulcus molle ’ , is a disease of world-wide distribution but is seen only rarely in temperate climates and is uncommon in Western Europe or North America and , when it has been diagnosed , it has usually been imported from warmer countries .
14 Ruddock , however , differed from any of the cases which had gone before in the sense that the issue ‘ has usually been whether the admitted act or decision was justified on grounds of national security ’ .
15 LEA guidance on appointments has usually been devised to provide for systematic and objective recruitment and selection by eliminating discrimination in appointments .
16 Although the term ‘ allometry ’ has usually been reserved for morphological and physiological variables related to size , this restriction is unfortunate .
17 The pattern has usually been for such people to establish themselves as privileged representatives of a ‘ god ’ who has the power to punish or destroy those who do not conform to the rules which they , the privileged , have themselves formulated , but have attributed to the ‘ god ’ .
18 Thus ‘ etheric geography ’ opens up another possibility of interpreting the landscape in a more subtle and complete way than has usually been done .
19 By November it has usually been decided where the money is to go and a presentation evening is arranged .
20 Choice of type of work has usually been made before hearing loss started .
21 Her hair has usually been black , and worn long .
22 In fact , he has usually been regarded as the supreme Minimalist painter , but perceptions have been changing through a closer study of his earlier work which reveals him as an artist whose origins lie in painterly Abstraction .
23 There has been a tendency more recently , however , for deaf people to be wary of consecutive interpreting where they may feel information is added to , or subtracted from , the message ( Allsop and Kyle , 1982 ) , even though for spoken languages it has usually been felt that consecutive interpreting is much more effective and much easier to check for the validity of the interpretation ( Herbert , 1978 ) .
24 Acquisition of foreign technology has usually been an alternative to reform , not a complement to it .
25 In that sense women have a greater range of strategies for maximizing support at their disposal , although of course their capacity as wage earners in the formal economy has usually been far more limited than men 's .
26 The ratio of prisoners , primarily adult males , to the population of Texas as a whole has usually been high , and higher than for most other American states .
27 They developed a theory of the state which was a long way removed from the rational calculative tendencies of utilitarianism and provided a justification for the role of the state in the spheres of economic life and welfare which went beyond what has usually been countenanced within Liberalism , whether based on utilitarianism or Lockean theory .
28 The television screen provides most of the ideas , but then , that has usually been the case .
29 The sociology of Freud is built on his analysis of instincts , and has usually been given little serious consideration within sociology precisely because the concept of instinct is thought to be unsociological .
30 The investment of research and management resources to build up to a Chinese market has usually been at a higher cost than would be tolerated elsewhere .
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