Example sentences of "has [art] opportunity " in BNC.

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1 He has the opportunity to comment on these documents before forwarding them to the Church Commissioners .
2 But Mr Congdon 's figures and those of the OECD show that Britain has the opportunity to become one of the the lowest-taxed nations in the OECD .
3 Man , on the other hand , who within this particular characterization of the nature — culture dichotomy is deemed to lack such natural and visible creative functions , is obliged , or at least has the opportunity , ( to use the words of Ortner ) to assert his creativity externally through the medium of technology , ritual and symbol .
4 Mr Major now has the opportunity to demonstrate his commitment to ‘ caring Conservatism ’ by ensuring that the opening of services to market disciplines is not at the expense of adequate funding .
5 The story of Gilly Hopkins is very sad : Gilly has the opportunity to gain everything she 's always wanted — someone who cares about her and forgives her and is willing to provide her with a loving home , but Gilly throws all this away simply by writing a letter when she 's feeling very upset .
6 However , at Cosmeston the archaeologist has the opportunity to excavate a large portion of the settlement over a long period of time and to use the results to shed light on sites where the excavators have not been so fortunate .
7 Furthermore , these policies must aim at ensuring that everyone has the opportunity to enjoy these aspects of health .
8 The democratic process described in Chapter 7 shows how each worker has the opportunity to elect representatives who will formulate the policy of the association on their behalf .
9 In addition , whilst in the ward , the learner has the opportunity to work in close contact with specialists in all fields .
10 Contiguity refers to ensuring that the student has the opportunity to make suitable responses .
11 In addition , two MEDLINE simulations are available , in which the student has the opportunity to formulate and execute a search and have it evaluated .
12 Firstly , it has the opportunity to combine successfully , in its dual focus , the short-term and long-term library and information needs of the school users it is instructing : schoolchildren using the public library will one day use it as adults .
13 Thus the reader of a ‘ good ’ book has the opportunity for a quality of understanding shared with the viewer of a particularly sensitive theatre or television play , or a cinema film .
14 For example , the wife and mother has the opportunity to soothe her own unconscious envy of the baby vicariously by the devoted care she gives to him .
15 As Tory backbenchers cheered , the Chancellor said : ‘ British business now has the opportunity it has been looking for — to bring the country out of recession , to increase sales , expand production and invest for the future .
16 Each individual has the opportunity to put into practice their newly acquired skills — improving their personal effectiveness and learning to recognise the signs of strength and weakness in themselves and others .
17 No additional food should be offered during the day apart from meal-times so that the child has the opportunity to develop an appetite in time for the next meal .
18 Providing that city funding comes its way , the Society now has the opportunity to redefine its mission — heretofore the history of the Western hemisphere — and focus more closely on New York and regional history .
19 The Latvian Church now has the opportunity to produce its own newspaper , educational material and theological literature .
20 If so , the House has the opportunity to consider whether the matter should be referred to the Committee of Privileges .
21 My wife has the opportunity these days of pursuing , with great enthusiasm , her hobby as a singer .
22 CODEFAM has been given time on the church radio station and thus has the opportunity to denounce human rights violations daily :
23 The entrepreneurial organization is both experience-based and decentralized , so that every advance builds on every previous advance , and everyone in the company has the opportunity and capacity to participate .
24 Both are public , in the sense that they can be entertained and criticized by anyone who has the opportunity to do so .
25 If the Legal Aid Board , as the only party adversely affected by the proposed order , has the opportunity to challenge it but decides not to do so , one may ask rhetorically what possible objection of substance there can be to the existing practice .
26 But beyond this , I think the prohibition in regulation 143 against making an order ‘ forthwith ’ can only apply to an order which is to take immediate effect and that a suspended order which the Legal Aid Board has the opportunity to contest in no way contravenes the regulation .
27 ( b ) The payer has the opportunity of contesting his liability in proceedings , but instead gives way and pays : see e.g. , Henderson v. Folkestone Waterworks Co. ( 1885 ) 1 T.L.R. 329 , and Sargood Brothers v. The Commonwealth , 11 C.L.R. 258 , especially at p. 301 , per Isaacs J. So where money has been paid under pressure of actual or threatened legal proceedings for its recovery , the payer can not say that for that reason the money has been paid under compulsion and is therefore recoverable by him .
28 Of course examinations are unreal ; they are a contrivance whereby the student has the opportunity — usually over periods of three hours — to show how he can tackle fresh problems using the basic knowledge that he possesses .
29 It 's very important that when parents split up the child has the opportunity to know where both parents are living and how to keep in touch with both of them .
30 More time is needed for meetings to make sure that everyone has the opportunity to participate fully .
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