Example sentences of "been granted [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The newly-formed Town Farm Neighbourhood Watch group has been granted £1,000 from Middlesbrough Council to buy security devices .
2 Is he aware that even when people are examined , are found to have cataracts and wait a long time for the operation , some of them — such as a 91-year-old constituent of mine — are told that Royal Oldham hospital , which has been granted trust status , does not have the money to provide the necessary medicines and has money to help only the elderly ?
3 Today , however , for the first time since the period of mourning had ended , she had been granted permission to call upon the young prince — to stay a week and celebrate his birthday .
4 He pointed to the sky and then to the clearing , to the path that led to the cabin where Sycorax lay , and Kit understood that he had been granted permission to remain three cycles of the moon .
5 They wound Sycorax 's light dry spoil in two banana leaves , laid lengthwise and sewn together with dried strips of aloe , and then chose to dig a vertical grave at the foot of the saman tree , the designated place , for which they had been granted permission .
6 They confirmed that of those many companies within the United Kingdom , only 850 have been granted permission — of which an exclusive six are in the business of carpet manufacturing .
7 The accused claimed that he had been granted permission by a supervisor to take scrap tyres from a certain firm .
8 Erm , that would all be based in the station centre , erm , as I say , we 've also been granted permission to use the site behind and planning permission is on the way through now , that 's looking good .
9 John Mowlem believed that he descended from the de Moulhams who maintained Corfe Castle for several centuries and to whom had been granted lands near Godlingston .
10 Graduates have also been granted exemptions by the professional bodies in personnel , marketing , banking and insurance .
11 The tribunal said it appeared that Ms Oruene had brought the complaint in the mistaken but genuine belief that graduates of English or Scottish universities who did not have passes in the compulsory subjects set by the faculty would still have been granted exemptions from the exams .
12 We observed one very tense episode in which some panel members believed that in the act of creation the panel had been granted independence from the coordinating committee .
13 He says it 's going to get bigger and bigger and alot of our pasture land is going to be cannabis plantations and they 're going to be legal ones because they 've been granted licences to possess and grow it .
14 ( d ) Other rights Where the tenant has been granted rights ( eg a right of support ) the landlord will be entitled to rights that are in their nature reciprocal to the rights he has granted , or is taken to have granted , to the tenant ( Re Webb 's Lease [ 1952 ] Ch 808 ) .
15 Acting Navy Secretary Sean C. O'Keefe , Garrett 's successor , announced at a press conference on Sept. 24 that Williams and Gordon had been granted requests for early retirement , while Davis had been reassigned to another post .
16 They were presumably responsible for supervising the civil settlement outside the fort and , in particular , the Sarmatian veterans who had been granted land in its vicinity .
17 The former is the voice of sound , sensible England , the latter is Spenser who had been granted land in county Cork in 1588 .
18 This process is now being reversed and increasing numbers of new family farmers have been granted land from the collective and state farms .
19 She had been granted absolution of her sins , but had died protesting her innocence to the last .
20 Leon Trotsky himself arrived in Mexico in early January 1937 , having been granted asylum by president Cárdenas .
21 Jose Urbina Lara , leader of the group , who stormed the embassy on 8 March , stayed behind at the airport but was expected to leave later for the Dominican Republic , where he has been granted asylum .
22 ‘ If your brother had lived and been granted outline planning permission for his houses , what would you have done ? ’
23 The Church Commissioners have been granted outline planning permission for residential development on a plot of land at the corner of the main road and Colliery Road at Auton Stile , Bearpark .
24 Moreover , once health authorities had been granted powers to ‘ buy in ’ services , then the question of the accountability to local publics of their purchasing decisions was raised .
25 Apart from the counties a number of urban areas had grown up and many of these had been granted Charters of Incorporation giving them varying powers of local administration .
26 At least in manufacturing , fixed-term contract workers were more likely to be found in establishments where unions had a higher level of membership or had been granted recognition .
27 Ballyskeagh have been granted Monday and Friday nights and there is a possibility that they will apply for Wednesday later on .
28 However , if they had been granted representation proportionate to their minute share of those votes , four or five of their candidates could have become MdBs : the exclusion clause served to prevent that .
29 With a 5% exclusion clause only one of these parties would have been granted representation , and the complex process of forming a government would have been much less painful .
30 Meantime , all 5 defendants have been granted bail until April 27 .
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