Example sentences of "been followed up " in BNC.

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1 The separation of administrative and professional activities and the use of ‘ floating ’ groups of professional librarians within an authority has found some exponents , but the stress on attention to the stock , which was the key to McClellan 's thinking , has not been followed up ( although many universities now operate a subject specialist system ) .
2 These surveys have been followed up using ground methods such as magnetics , EM , VLF , IP , gravity or seismic refraction as appropriate to investigate specific anomalies .
3 The prevalence of this diminishes with time after the event , which you might think peculiar , but there are fewer patients who have been followed up for five years .
4 Historical documentation in this field becomes more scarce as the emphasis moves towards other aspects of social organization , despite the highly influential work of the French historian Braudel , whose books ( e.g. 1981 ) include lengthy accounts of patterns of consumption in food , textiles and housing , which have been followed up by the Annales school of historians ( see also Elias 1978 ; Sombart 1967 for alternative traditions ) .
5 Originally most had been placed satisfactorily but they had not been followed up and had drifted away two or three years later as circumstances changed .
6 Cynewulf 's annexation of land bordering on the Thames in Berkshire in the early years of Offa 's reign certainly appears to have been followed up by further action in the original Gewissian territory around Dorchester .
7 Needless to say , thanks to an over-dependence on Hawkins 's remark , this has never been followed up and the harpsichord can no longer be identified .
8 The letter from earlier in the year to the Chief Executive of the Council has been followed up by this department investigating its own use of peat — which is fairly limited .
9 After the removal of the tumours all these patients had been followed up by gastroscopies every six to 12 months .
10 Some patients with chronic liver disease may have been followed up as outpatients and may not have been admitted to hospital during the study period and , thus , these too would not have been identified .
11 Eighteen patients have now been followed up for 33 ( 24–42 ) months without any biliary problems .
12 Despite this the symptom of urgency is invariably improved and all 81 patients with ulcerative colitis who have been followed up for more than six months state that they can defer defaecation for more than two hours .
13 The 16 patients who did not identify foods as causing symptoms have been followed up for between nine and 46 months .
14 Controls comprised 21 patients with ileal pouches constructed during the same period who had been followed up for a mean duration of 43 months ( range 15–119 months ) and who had had endoscopies that showed no evidence of active inflammation .
15 Of seven patients whose percutaneous cholecystolithotomy failed because of residual cystic duct stones , only two were advised to undergo cholecystectomy and the remainder have been followed up for a median of 14 months .
16 All have been followed up for at least two years .
17 All have been followed up for at least 5 years .
18 These 85 patients have been followed up for a total of 583 person-years .
19 The 24 patients in this group with an abnormal naevus pattern have been followed up for 178 person-years .
20 With the help of the team while they were in Africa , a Transport Manager ( employed by the Government of Zimbabwe ) was selected as part of this project and has now been followed up by the appointment of a transport adviser ( employed by SCF ) to provide ongoing advice and guidance in implementing the proposed arrangements .
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