Example sentences of "been sitting on " in BNC.

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1 ‘ While you 've been sitting on your intellectual arses alternately pitying yourselves and the so-called workers , it 's my hard work , my money that 's been keeping this country — ’ Stalking off indoors ; the door shuts .
2 If Mitzi had been sitting on the lilac branch with the squirrel yesterday ( and at this point her thoughts brought a smile to Elisabeth 's face ) , she would have overheard much to have kept her mind and tongue engaged . …
3 Yes , middle class women have done a lot for the ‘ Women 's Movement ’ but does she really think that us working class women have been sitting on our arses doing nothing all this time .
4 Dad , who had been sitting on the stairs with his head in his hands , went into action .
5 She had been sitting on the shingle staring out to sea , her arms clasped round her knees , Timmy lying asleep on the small rug beside her .
6 He liked swimming too and in the summer had built a raft , but it had disintegrated in the middle of the river while he and the twins had been sitting on it .
7 ‘ From the position of the body I think he could have been sitting on the edge of the bed .
8 Now that was about two weeks ago and I 've been sitting on it meaning to , to write to the press and say how disgusting it was .
9 He had been sitting on the cart since early morning and all he had to show for scouring the streets was an old tin bath that he had found on some wasteground , a couple of sacks of rags and one or two pieces of old iron .
10 But why had they been sitting on a table ?
11 A moment before Melinda herself had been sitting on the bag .
12 She had been sitting on the edge of the bed , and now she leaned forward to take the other woman 's hand again .
13 She 'd been sitting on the edge of the bed when they 'd arrived , two large uniformed men .
14 By the time morning came he was convinced he had been wide awake the whole night , though by that time he had remembered with the utmost clarity that the whole performance had taken place not in a television studio at all but in an enormous public lavatory , with Sir William and Lady Paice among the large crowd around the coffee table , and that his final humiliation was to discover at the end of the programme that he had been sitting on one of the lavatory seats throughout , with his trousers down around his ankles .
15 But as it was no longer where she had left it , then it must have done , unless someone had shot into Rose Cottage and stolen it while Cassie had been sitting on the loo .
16 When one complainant alleged that he had been sitting in the Common Bench while the complainant had had his proper challenges to jurors refused , the auditors of complaints simply accepted his statement that he had been sitting on the bench not as a justice but as a well-wisher of the complainant 's opponent ( the prior of Sempringham ) .
17 I eventually got a chance to read the South Wales Aggregates Working Party 's Regional Commentary which has been sitting on my desk for months .
18 He slowly straightened to his full height and she realised he had been sitting on the bed leaning over her .
19 They had been sitting on the sands all day .
20 Clint says he has been sitting on the story of Unforgiven for 15 years waiting to grow into the part but denies that this could be the last time he saddles up and rides off into the sunset .
21 I know it 's him , this man — what was his name ? — Luke Denner , that 's got you so worked up ; you 've not been the same since those few days in the country and that plan of his has been sitting on your desk untouched for days on end .
22 Benjamin , who had been sitting on the edge of his trestle bed , got up and opened the door .
23 He 'd been sitting on his fanny for three months now and here was a chance to do something .
24 At this point , a young woman who 'd been sitting on one of Bridget 's sofas jumped angrily to her feet and shouted at Geoffrey .
25 I would have thought the mo Without knowing anything about it I would have thought the most likely explanation for that is that that the property company who own the precinct have suggested to the Council that they would like to buy the Market Hall and the Council have been sitting on it and pondering it and some bright spark has come up with the idea , Yes you can buy the Market Hall if you also buy Pembroke Hall .
26 Miguel had been sitting on the balcony staring out across the valley .
27 It 's been sitting on the forecourt of a garage just outside Ross on Wye for the past few weeks , and is gaining a considerable amount of interest from passers by … but as yet no one is very serious about buying it .
28 He has been sitting on a nurse 's knee being fed from a small drinking cup . ’
29 Villagers could have been sitting on a chemical poison with untold consequences to health .
30 He 's been sitting on the bench for the last hour and has never once taken his eyes off the shop .
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