Example sentences of "been doing in " in BNC.

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1 What could he have been doing in that little field but reconnoitring the back premises of the house at the far end — even breaking in , there had been burglaries lately .
2 In all the yelling and argument that followed Jo concluded that Andy the gardener was a starfucker in the literal sense of the term , for what else could her mother have been doing in the pool house at that time of day and why else would she have over-reacted the way she did ?
3 It depends first on what you 've been doing in those 29 years , whether you 're willing to get new skills if necessary , and finally , how persistent you are in your job search .
4 The drawings show some common occupations for women in 1880 and what their great-grand-daughters may have been doing in 1980 .
5 ‘ What I 've been doing in the last few weeks , long overdue , is to match up these various components .
6 Rather desperately , Celia steered the conversation round to her and Brian 's new house in the country , how Alison and Geoffrey must come and stay , that they would be less than fifty miles apart ; while Alison , obviously thankful to turn to less delicate matters , regaled her with a description of all she had been doing in her garden and some rather dull anecdotes about the neighbours whom Celia and Brian had met on their last visit .
7 It was a pleasure to be paid for what I had up until then been doing in my spare time .
8 There is also a ‘ Stop and Check ’ revision section in the Workbook after every third unit to allow students to review what they have been doing in class and to decide their own priorities for future self-study .
9 Ehm er chair er Sheila from Harlow secretary of the film society which has operated here since the playhouse opened moved from the town hall er we do get people past the door we have been doing in years erm and I personally I 'm also here as an individual I 've been an arts lover for forty five years of my life in Harlow .
10 To give you some insight into the kind of research we have been doing in order to grasp the concept of innovative climate , I will present two sets of data .
11 He argued that Dorset should continue to record unmet need as it had been doing in a pilot project , although the decision is so politically sensitive that it has to be given clearance by the politicians at their June committee meeting .
12 By comparison , what he 'd been doing in the cafeteria block was mere journeyman stuff .
13 I thought that this was a painting I should n't discuss with Lili , but only when I had walked to the end of the gallery to look at an innocuous picture of a group of long-haired sheep did I ask myself what Robert had been doing in Marie Claire 's bedroom .
14 What 've you been doing in the last five months that 's put on the weight ?
15 If inflation is too much money pursuing too few goods , it does not follow that we must — as we have been doing in this country — reduce the supply of money all the time and thus have the disastrous consequences for industry that have occurred .
16 As we become more successful in delivering health care in the community , we discover things that we should have been doing in the past but have not done .
17 Pitmen in Northumberland and Durham were working six or seven hours in 1765 but seem to have been working at least eight by the end of the century , as Whitehaven 's colliers had already been doing in 1765 .
18 A few miles later , Rogers asked what Gabriel had been doing in the church .
19 But he went on refusing to say anything at all about what he 'd been doing in Paris .
20 While it is perfectly valid for children to step back from what they have been doing in drama and write about it , the exciting alternative of writing ( or drawing , or carrying out scientific experiments ) within the context of the drama , as the characters they are playing , produces lively and highly motivated work .
21 A dejected Leeds boss Howard Wilkinson said : ‘ We did as we have been doing in every game .
22 But what would she have been doing in Southwark ?
23 I 'm a teacher myself and if my children come home and tell me things they 've been doing in maths which might seem very perplexing to somebody who knows about modern maths , I understand the educational reason for them doing so .
24 And something like two million people have got to stop doing jobs they should never have been doing in the first place , like er polluting the rivers and the soil and the air , and spying on each other and contributing to the overmanning that there is in East Germany .
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