Example sentences of "been a feature " in BNC.

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1 They are organizationally secular schools , though some clergy are members of the local governing committees and this has always been a feature .
2 This is especially true in the context of Latin America where this kind of duality and fusion has been a feature of culture from the time of the conquest right up until today — both on the popular and the intellectual level .
3 The lauding of Hitler 's modesty was compared with the tone of self-praise with regard to his own work and effort which had been a feature of his New Year address .
4 Most of the beeches that had been a feature of Woodbrook had been felled .
5 Frequent tinkering with the system has been a feature of politics in France , where it is possible to change the constitution by simple majority .
6 Of course , resort to technology has always been a feature of health care , if we mean by that the development and use of skills and tools .
7 This has also been a feature of the East African revival and was probably also present in Watchman Nee 's church .
8 Special tramway tours have always been a feature of the hobby , and the first was held at Blackpool by the Light Railway Transport League in 1938 .
9 Error and uncertainty have always been a feature of cartographic information .
10 Formal planning has been a feature of many schools and local authorities for a number of years now , and for those who have yet to embark , DES Circular 7/88 , The Education Act : Local Management of Schools has now made this a statutory requirement .
11 In the last decade , the ouija board has been a feature in several serious crimes .
12 Otherwise Avocets are predominantly spring passage migrants in Sussex ; the paucity of autumn records seems remarkable and has always been a feature of the species ' occurrence in the county .
13 This crumbling of unity has always been a feature of philosophical systems , whether religious or political , or a combination of both .
14 The obsession with homogeneous populations and monocultural , monolingual societies has been a feature of life only since capitalist economics forced a uniformity of workforces and markets .
15 Traditionally , corporate takeover activity has predominantly been a feature of UK and US markets .
16 One form of horizontal devolution has been a feature of the constitution of the United Kingdom for centuries .
17 It should be realised that the explosion of extreme-right support that has been a feature of most western European countries in greater or lesser degree throughout the 1980s is far from a totally homogeneous phenomenon .
18 Officially known as the Place Du Caire , the Slaves ' Market has been a feature of Paris ' Le Sentier quarter for years .
19 The cap and bonnet had been a feature of grave-clothes since the 1630s , the under-shirt having been introduced at the same time .
20 It also brings out further one character 's idée fixe ( stonework ) , and develops the theme of racial tension/personal harmony which has been a feature of this relationship in the story for some time .
21 The shedding of older labour has also been a feature of the experience of the cohort just below the statutory retirement age , with male activity-rates in the 60–64 years age-group falling from 83 per cent in 1971 to 60 per cent in 1986 .
22 Caves have n't always been a feature of our landscape .
23 The geographical concentration of the relatively high per capita income services — especially in finance — in London and the South East has for a long time been a feature of the British economy [ Brown , 1972 ] .
24 But toleration of large numbers of reversioners seems to have been a feature of the reign of James I rather than the Tudors .
25 Labour commences with a marked increase in the contractions of uteral muscle which have been a feature throughout pregnancy .
26 The main worry is that modular schemes might undo the progress towards an integrated approach to first degree studies which has been a feature of some professional subjects in recent years , notably in post-Finniston engineering courses .
27 Minimum competencies testing has not been a feature of the UK experience , although the government 's announcement in 1987 that a national curriculum was to be established , with benchmarks for achievement at ages 7,11 and 14 , appeared at first to have similar implications .
28 The Minoans were also adept at sculpting human figures from ivory , a practice they may have taken over from Egypt , where sensitive carvings of rulers had been a feature of Old Kingdom art.14 The ivory figure of a Minoan deity grasping two snakes made of gold ( fig. 6 ) is of interest as an essay in chryselephantine work combining the crafts of ivory carving and gold smithing .
29 This has always been a feature of political life , but has assumed new prominence since 1979 .
30 Such a festival has been a feature of every subsequent Congress .
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