Example sentences of "have to find [art] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ I ca n't afford not to work , not with the whacking mortgage repayment Sebastian and I have to find every month , ’ she confided .
2 The secretary , David East , is now a figure of the distant past following his decision to resign his post over the way 10 Welsh players were recruited for the celebratory tour , and the Union still have to find a candidate to replace Rhys Williams as the junior vice-president .
3 Mr Yeltsin 's chief military aide , Mr Dmitry Volkgonov , said : ‘ We have to find a compromise because the worst negotiations are better than the best war . ’
4 They have to find a way of expressing their confidence that God reveals Himself through His activity in the world , without making Him into a person like ourselves .
5 I have to find a bolt-hole — somewhere I can operate from .
6 I think if I have to find a word to describe the club , that word is ‘ comfortable ’ .
7 Salmon have to find a safe way upstream past bears , and monkeys have to get to the fruit without waking the jaguars .
8 Many are now in the caring hands of staff at the Battersea Dogs Home in London , but they still have to find a permanent home .
9 I 'm good at logic puzzles , like those where you have to find a code from jumbled letters
10 In both cases you have to find a deposit , and over a period of time pay off what is , in effect , a loan .
11 I think it 's a lot more worthwhile doing a science degree because a lot of arts degrees do n't lead anywhere because then you have to find a job … they 're not leading to a career of any sort …
12 If the nation is to create the jobs necessary to reduce the unemployment list rapidly , we have to find a way of creating or expanding service industries without the need for their dependence on the existing producing industries .
13 ’ We have to find a place to hide , and get dug into it . ’
14 If you have a 286 or 386 then you have to find a way of converting the natural extended memory to expanded .
15 ‘ We have to find a sign beside the road reading ‘ Sansepolcro one kilometre ’ .
16 — I have to find a new club as soon as i return from the USA and has spoken with Drillo , a tired-of-Leeds Frank say .
17 If electric cars are going to have a significant future , we have to find a cleaner way to generate electricity . "
18 He justified that approach on the basis that " the lease is a commercial document and we have to find a commercial solution to the problem posed " ) .
19 We have to find a way to utilise our fifty thousand members as an educational and propaganda machine .
20 We have to find a way of working together , and it would be a lot less wearing , do n't you think , if we could do so amicably ? ’
21 Police need little reminding that they have to find a very brutal and sick man fast .
22 Now the Conservatives have to find a new candidate .
23 Without spelling out exact details , he said : ‘ We have to find a human and reasonable solution and I 'm sure we will . ’
24 You only have to do the other , you have to do there , have to find a C ?
25 I have a , a you know , which was too full , too thick , too full , so I thought I , I open a bit and took it out , so I have to find a place for it . .
26 What you mean you have find a f you have to find a murderer ?
27 I mean personally I think one of the difficulties in the colleges is that they do still have a sense of being at schools , and when you have an atmosphere which is like school you 're tacitly given people permission to act as if they were at school , and so we have a and that activity may not always be very adult , so we have to find a way of changing the environment of the colleges .
28 I think you have to find an inner strength in order to feel good about yourself .
29 Nevertheless , the banks still have to find the interest payable on these deposits .
30 We each have to find the method that suits us .
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