Example sentences of "have been criticise " in BNC.

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1 PROPOSALS from a right-wing pressure group to ban HIV-infected staff from working with food have been criticised by personnel chiefs in the industry .
2 Foreign publications have been criticised for alleged one-sided reporting and their correspondents have been denied visas .
3 The IRFU 's South African links have been criticised in the past , notably when Ireland toured there in 1981 amid a storm of public and governmental condemnation .
4 ‘ The police have been criticised for acting prematurely .
5 They have been criticised for the choice of colours associated with warfare , but up here in these hills surrounded by an army of uniformed police , US marshalls and private security guards all bristling with weapons , it is war : UMWA vice-president Cecil Roberts has said as much .
6 POOR work practices by British Airways maintenance engineers at Birmingham airport have been criticised in a report into an incident in which a pilot was nearly sucked out of his aircraft .
7 OFFICE equipment manufacturers have been criticised by Britain 's secretaries and office staff for badly-designed desks , tables , chairs and other items which have led to expensive clothing being ruined .
8 But these experiments have been criticised on two counts .
9 I have been criticised for being a distant figure who lives in a style of luxury that Britain can not afford .
10 I have been criticised for doing a job that is irrelevant in a society in which so many are struggling .
11 It is to be hoped that this will not deter commentators from making their contribution to the debate , particularly against the background of recent corporate scandals over which auditors have been criticised , often unfairly , and against a backcloth of rapid change in the ways of doing business generally .
12 I have been criticised for coming down on the side of the second alternative .
13 ‘ Myself and Emma have been criticised as being ‘ not as substantial as Courtney Love ’ , which is massively limiting .
14 These theories regarding the increasing use of compulsion have been criticised by Dingwall and his colleagues ( 1983 ) as lacking in authoritative statistical basis , and lacking any overview of the relative , as opposed to absolute , use of compulsory intervention .
15 Mergers of health authority-run services with trusts have been criticised by some opponents of the Government 's NHS reforms as obtaining trust status ‘ by the back door ’ .
16 Clinic surveys in Scotland , America , and Germany have failed to confirm an association but have been criticised for flaws in study design .
17 While its giant neighbours at Expo'92 , Britain and America , have been criticised for the lack of artistic content in their pavilions ( The Art Newspaper No. 17 , April 1992 , p. 1 ) , New Zealand with a comparatively tiny budget of NZ$39 million ( £12.07 million , US$21.19 million ) for its pavilion , is presenting a specially commissioned ceramics exhibition by fourteen artists , ‘ Treasures of the Underworld ’ and in the Pavilion of the Arts , an exhibition organised by the artists themselves , ‘ Distance Looks Our Way 10 Artists from New Zealand ’ ( 25 June–16 July ) .
18 His results have been criticised by Newton for underestimating the effects of city size on the proportion of Labour voters .
19 I hold the view very strongly — and I know I have been criticised for it — that when a government has not got great experience , is a minority government , it is essential if you can possibly support it that it should be able to speak with a strong voice to the countries of the world .
20 The various offences created by sections 1–5 of the 1986 Act have been criticised for imprecision .
21 But even the more sophisticated thinking concerning the competing claims of the curriculum , and the eight modes of activity , have been criticised .
22 They have been criticised on the grounds that they may deny free speech , suppress significant literature or worthwhile criminological information , impinge upon copyright laws and have negligible effects upon those who actually profit from crime .
23 Such approaches have been criticised for failing to take account of external or structural factors which influence people 's experience of ageing .
24 They have been criticised by both those who accept active government intervention in economic affairs and by those who do not .
25 It has been held that keeping a motor-car in a garage with petrol in the tank , and a motor-coach in a parking ground after the tank has been emptied is a non-natural use of land , but the decisions have been criticised .
26 The recommendation , and its ultimate partial acceptance , have been criticised on the grounds that lack of legal advice at an early stage may simply lead to disputes later on , to be resolved with the support of legal aid , and that the cost savings were unlikely to be substantial .
27 The police have been criticised for their low prosecution record in rape cases and it is most unlikely that domestic rape would have been dealt with more enthusiastically .
28 Certain of the Kings Quest series have been criticised as being too ‘ twee ’ and sugary — KQ VI is basically a ‘ fairy tale ’ but the storyline is much firmer than previous titles and avoids making the teeth grind and the stomach curdle !
29 The OPCS surveys , on whose findings the benefit reforms were premised , have been criticised as significantly underestimating the extra costs of disability .
30 It should be no surprise that both variable analysis as a mode of sociological thinking and the use of scaling in research have been criticised .
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