Example sentences of "have at present " in BNC.

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1 What they want in future is 32 seeds in all the Grand Slam tournaments instead of the 16 they have at present .
2 That implies the establishment of some form of institute — if that is not too grandiose a word — some form of organisation , more permanent than a one week ad hoc seminar , such as we have at present .
3 This gives an indication of the ambient blood glucose level over the previous two or three months and is the best single indicator we have at present of glycaemic control .
4 The plans which they have at present are , without doubt , exceedingly handsome ; but , to speak plainly , they seem to me infinitely more adapted for palaces than public offices .
5 And now , my dear Sir , having said this much on behalf of this deserving Youth , I must beg to assure you that however zealous my wish to be the means of serving him and his poor Mother , I do not wish , on that account , to influence you — Quite the contrary — I know that in similar cases , your benevolent views have been disappointed , and , perhaps , you have consequently made arrangements for the Future which may render it ineligible to take any youth in the same way as proposed to his Brother — even if you have at present — or are likely in course of a year or two — to have a vacancy .
6 ‘ If that report is anywhere near accurate , they could knock anything we have at present clear out of the sky .
7 More persuasive perhaps is the quotation from the EEC 's Green Paper Employment Participation and Company Structure , to the effect that ‘ the pursuit of goals other than economic growth , such as the improvement of the quality of life and working conditions , the protection of the environment and the interests of the consumer … can probably be secured only by the existence of decision-making processes in enterprises which have a broader , more democratic base than such processes often have at present . ’
8 This observation suggests a framework for linking network studies with larger-scale class-based studies in formulating a more coherent multi-level sociolinguistic theory than we have at present .
9 So by some means we must devise solutions that produce at least what we have at present ; that is to say , the £27,000 million which the Inland Revenue collected by direct taxation .
10 ‘ Hopefully VR may be an overlay on the reality we have at present ; enhancing it but not replacing it .
11 It is fairly evident that the widely spread limestones and dolomites of chapter 1 are , at least in part , explicable in terms of a wider tropical belt than we have at present .
12 I should be happy to add that training scheme to the many other excellent training schemes we have at present .
13 To achieve an export-import balance under current Tory policies would mean an even worse slump than we have at present because the only thing made in Britain under the Tories is a Tory-made recession .
14 In May 1711 , Jonathan Swift wrote that the two parties had so shifted their principles since Charles II 's time , " that those two fantastick Names of Whig and Tory , have at present very little Relation to those Opinions , which were at first thought to distinguish them " .
15 So let us promote better health for the population that we have at present instead of experimenting with high-cost technology .
16 the City Council 's remains as efficient as possible , and erm most all the posts that we have at present , we believe are necessary , but we do continue to monitor them and see whether it is necessary to continue to employ all the people that we are employing at the moment .
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