Example sentences of "have [been] told " in BNC.

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1 As she saw movement near the doors Eleanor said , ‘ I have been told that you in America enjoy such freedom that socialism is not needed .
2 Do not buy any materials until you have been told you can have a grant by the council , and once you have , keep any receipts .
3 On the surface of his mind lies the contrast between a trivial though tormenting fear and a monstrous scheme ; and beneath that contrast appears a positive contradiction : for a few sentences earlier we have been told ‘ He was not really afraid of any landlady ’ .
4 I have been told the Chinese have a simple inexpensive instrument to trace extra low frequencies .
5 But in Eliot 's earlier sentences we have been told of Pound 's serving not ‘ art ’ , but artists ; of his being concerned that they should each realize his or her full potential , so that the level of accomplishment ( in ‘ letters ’ as well as ‘ art ’ ) should be raised all round .
6 In the meantime , central and local authorities have been told to take ‘ immediate ’ steps to stamp out vandalism and sabotage on the railways .
7 Now they have been told to restore normal services ‘ without delay ’ , but no deadline is stipulated .
8 Really bloody-minded children , I have been told — the MPs of the future , perhaps — deduce from all this lavish praise that the faeces are something worth keeping , and refuse to perform on that basis .
9 The EC ministers have been told that if they can not agree voluntarily on measures to ensure the harmonisation of the telecommunications industy some time early next year the European Commission will force them to do so .
10 It is difficult to know what of the next few seconds I remember , or have pieced together , or have been told by Nathan .
11 Parents who questioned what appears to be an unwritten regulation have been told in each case that they are the only ones not co-operating …
12 And discovering that they have been told lies all their lives .
13 They have been told that their claim may only amount to around £11,000 of their £15,000 as capital gains tax is likely to be deducted from the total .
14 Members of the Senate Intelligence Committee have been told that a formal request will be made to Britain to seize the general 's dosh .
15 ‘ It has been described to me as an isolated house in the midst of fields , through which are only rough and rutty waggon tracks , and I have been told too , that it is hidden from passers along the road by a dark grove of trees .
16 The 20 groups of Tory MPs asked by Margaret Thatcher last year to write policy papers for the next manifesto have been told to hand in their work to Number Ten by the end of the month .
17 I have been told ’ she smoothed the black lace across her knees , ‘ that my legs are the legs of a woman of thirty ; white all over — not a mark .
18 We have been told nothing about the time of year , but for the purposes of the story we must assume that the rains have come , and the waters are high and fast , even though the women and children have got across safely enough .
19 We might say it is galling for people to hear such things when they have been told they will die in the wilderness , but at least the promises of God remain very much in force for their children .
20 We have been told by the Cotswold Pig Development Company that they believe the ‘ White F1 hybrid sows ’ would stand up to outdoor conditions .
21 In the same memorandum of April 1986 that eventually brought down the whole house of cards — the memorandum that mentioned the diversion of funds to the contras — an extraordinary phrase appeared : ‘ The Iranians have been told that our presence in Iran is ‘ a holy commitment ’ . ’
22 A spokesman said : ‘ All we have been told is that originally Bowie was executive producer and then he was supposedly involved in the music .
23 I was very upset , I have been told , because we had to leave our chow , Lün , behind owing to quarantine restrictions .
24 The garden resembles what I have been told of Primrose Hill .
25 Lynch , who fell on Barney Maclyvie at the first 11 years ago , said : ‘ I have been told that a lot of good jockeys have fallen at the first fence in their first ride in the National and then gone on to win the race next time .
26 COMPANIES wanting to break into the vast Russian consumer market have been told to cater for five distinct groups with very different tastes : Kuptsi , Cossacks , Students , Businessmen and Russian Souls .
27 Junior accountants at Price Waterhouse , one of the big six firms , have been told that now is the time to take their once-in-a-lifetime world tour or perhaps a summer stint as a yacht deckhand and that applications for extended unpaid leave ‘ will be looked on favourably ’ .
28 THREE women widowed in the Gulf war have been told by Government officials that they will not set aside money from the publicly-donated Gulf Trust to help them with an education fund for their children .
29 WHEELCHAIR competitors in Sunday 's London Marathon have been told that instead of going for personal best times they must take at least one hour and 50 minutes to complete the course .
30 They have been told by the local authority that they can not grow oilseed rape because the smell might upset Disney guests .
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